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Post Reconstruction America. Westward Movement Era of American Cowboy.

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Presentation on theme: "Post Reconstruction America. Westward Movement Era of American Cowboy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Post Reconstruction America

2 Westward Movement Era of American Cowboy



5 Reasons for Westward Movement Economic Opportunities in west Homestead Act –Free land out west to anyone willing to farm the land

6 Reasons for Westward Movement Southerners needed a new start after Civil War African- Americans moved out west to use their agricultural skills

7 Completion of Transcontinent al Railroad made travel out west easier



10 Immigration

11 Old Immigrants (Pre-1871) Immigrated from northern and western Europe Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, and Sweden

12 New Immigrants (Post- 1871) Immigrated from southern and eastern Europe Italy, Greece, Poland, Russia, and present-day Hungary and Yugoslavia As well as Asia (China and Japan).

13 Reasons for Immigration Seeking freedom Better lives Escaping persecution JOBS!!!!

14 Ellis Island Processing center in New York for new immigrants from Europe

15 Ellis Island Statue of Liberty first sign of freedom and America as ships entered country







22 Angel Island Processing center in California for immigrants entering from Asia

23 Contributions of Immigrants

24 Chinese Worked on railroads

25 Irish (Ireland) Worked on railroads Also worked in textile and steel mills

26 Italians/Slavs (Yugoslavia) Worked in Coalmines

27 Poles (Poland) Worked in Coalmines Worked in Clothing Industry in New York

28 Problems facing Immigrants

29 Assimilation Immigrants had trouble becoming a part of American culture –Did not speak English –Uneducated Public schools helped immigrants

30 Ethnic Neighborhoods City neighborhoods consisting of immigrants from the same culture Allowed immigrants to slowly learn American culture while keeping their own




34 Problems with Immigrants Immigrants worked for less taking jobs from Americans Americans were scared of new religions and cultures Americans didn’t trust immigrants

35 Limits on Immigration

36 Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 Put a limit on number of Chinese immigrants

37 Immigration Restriction Act of 1921 Ended all immigration from Europe Although immigration dramatically slowed after these acts, immigrants continued to provide valuable contributions to American life

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