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Svetlozar Kirilov, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

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1 Svetlozar Kirilov, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

2  Evictions of Roma from France  The Roma camps in France as  “Sources of illegal trafficking, of profoundly shocking living standards, of exploitation of children for begging, of prostitution and crime”  (the office of the then President Nicolas Sarkozy, 2010)

3  As compared to the whites, the African Americans are:  Poorer  Less educated  With higher rates of incarceration  Often female-headed households  Higher unemployment

4  32,000 dollars is the median income of blacks  54,000 dollars is the median income for non- Hispanic whites  Thus, African Americans earn only 59% of what whites earn

5  Half of Roma in Southeast Europe live in poverty and more than 20% live in extreme poverty  Half of Roma ages 15–55 are unemployed  Two out of three Roma in the Balkans do not complete primary school, while it relates to one out of seven among ethnic majorities  UNDP, 2006

6  The Structural explanation:  The African Americans and the Roma are poorer, unemployed, and less educated because they are discriminated  The Cultural explanation:  Some traits of their communities prevent many of blacks and Roma from developing as self-supportive and law-abiding citizens

7  Max Weber on the impact of world religions on the social and economic development  The Protestant Ethic Thesis  Culture of poverty  The theory of Geert Hofstede on cultural differences

8  The loss of manufacturing jobs  Competition with immigrants

9  Callbacks from employers:  White student without criminal record - 34%  White student without criminal record - 17%  Black student without criminal record–14%  Black student with criminal record – 5%

10  The graduation rate in the United States:  83% for Asian Americans  78% for whites  58% for Latinos  57% for African Americans  54% for Native Americans

11  Of those who live in families:  10% of whites are in families with female householder and no husband present  for blacks this share is 45%

12  The rate of incarceration on the basis of male prisoners in federal and state prisons per 100,000 males of each community:  459 prisoners for whites  1,259 for Latinos  3,074 for blacks  The imprisonment rate of black males is almost seven times higher than that of white males

13  “When you look for job and they see you are a Gypsy–this is the end. That’s it. My granddaughter is second grade but she can’t even write down her name. I tell her she should study–not because she could achieve anything later on but she should know at least how to write down her name”(Roma man, 52).

14 “My daughter is supposed to go this fall in school, first grade. She does not have [decent] clothes. I don’t have even running water in my house to wash her. How could I send her without clothes and without being washed?” (Roma man, about 40)


16  “My daughter has lived in Switzerland for four months… She is a cleaning lady in a hotel. She says there is a lot of work but she knows she is going to get good money. She sent money to us and her sister. Her character has also changed. Before, she was nervous and aggressive. Now, she is different: calm, uses nice words. Relations between people there are different” (Roma man, 46).

17  Social Barriers or “Gypsy” Mentality?

18  Short-term orientation  The neglect of education  Early marriages and early pregnancies  Preference to live in their isolated communities


20  The Roma and American blacks are not communities with monolith culture  Contradicts the respect-all-cultures principle  Offends minorities

21  1. Racism and discrimination are against the law.  2. The mainstream media do nor revile or mock minorities.  3. Much more blacks have access to education compared to the situation in the past.  4. High number of African Americans on influential positions in business, politics, military, etc.

22  Strong political will of national governments  Cooperation between authorities of central, regional, and local level is needed  Constant efforts to combat discrimination and build tolerance  Positive attitudes grow when a “Roma project” benefits also non-Roma residents  Some traits of the Romani culture ought to be changed

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