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Colonial Times By Adrienne & Brooke. Bathing Teeth Hair Other.

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Presentation on theme: "Colonial Times By Adrienne & Brooke. Bathing Teeth Hair Other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonial Times By Adrienne & Brooke

2 Bathing Teeth Hair Other


4 Bath regularly Shower/bathtub made of acrylic or porcelain Soaps>

5 Bathed once a month if that Bathtubs made of wood/copper No showers Sometimes bathed in water ways

6 People thought putting their entire bodies in water was frowned upon

7 People also thought bathing would destroy your natural oils and leave you wide open to various diseases Pennsylvania and Virginia tried to pass laws forbidding taking a bath People also thought bathing would destroy your natural oils and leave you wide open to various diseases Pennsylvania and Virginia tried to pass laws forbidding taking a bath HOME

8 Colonial People brushed teeth regularly,they thought it was very important. home

9 combed hair “in time and in season, but not too curiously” Home

10 wash clothes 1 to every 3 months with wash board in creeks next

11 they had outhouses by barn or shed some distance from house or where you lived no deodorant The end

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