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PSYCHOLOGY …AND MEDICINE Zsolt B. Major - 12th lecture.

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Presentation on theme: "PSYCHOLOGY …AND MEDICINE Zsolt B. Major - 12th lecture."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSYCHOLOGY …AND MEDICINE Zsolt B. Major - 12th lecture

2 Developmental psychology Bowlby: „Good enogh” mother for the baby!!! =calculable to him/her, listen&respond to the baby’s real needs, for the baby should feel the mather’s care about his real life…! SEE IMPORTANCE OF CALCULABLE BEHAVIOR…!!

3 …How is forming our personality? Long ago: Today: A baby… = insensitive human being = although helpless, but his senses are working; and his conscious (on his level) too…!! Feel/sense: Sight Hearing (head turning) Smelling („Turns” to the sweet smell, or to the familiar fragnance) Researches, experiments: Observation Habituation – dishabituation (if he can recognize, detect the different between 2 status of stimulus’s) Developmental psychology

4 …both…!! Nature or nurture? Developmental maturation (periodic vs. continous…??) Environment (critical periods!) There are both specific sections and individual differences too: Climb Sit Stand Temperament (see reactive-evocative interaction!) Eyesight (eg. Congenital Cataract must be operated before 2 months of age!) Development of personality: 1-6 months of age, or, 1-3 age!! – See Child care!! Enviromental impacts may make affect on the maturation process:

5 Development of…: Perception, sensation (see sensoral deprivation!) Cognitive, conceptual, language Personality - emotional Social Developmental psychology

6 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY – practical benefits: Examination of young children – backlog, injury,etc… In case of familiar conflicts ability to recognize the degree of hazard… (Sign to the guardianship) The children are always just the symptom-bearings – help to the whole family: eg. When seeing an ambivalent affection from the child… The parent will accept our opinion, help just if we have a good relationship with her (see communicational practice!) (because the parent’s self-image will protect himself: obviously the parent will think about herself, that she is a good parent…) See psychosomatics too: primary-secundary sickness-benefits – the parent’s attention, listening is the reward to the children…! Questions..?

7 ECLETICISM…!!! – Eg. The development of gender identity Psychoanalitics Oedipus conflict - and it’s solution Biological approach adolescence- hormones – self-image adolescence – hormones – self-image(girls have more chaos…) -> it can be one of the reasons of conflicts with parents Social learning theory Alignment to the gender vs. Gender identity Experiences, opinions? Developmental psychology

8 SPECIALITIES OF THE ADOLESCENCE… Questions & Uncertainty: „Who am I?” „Where did I come from?” „Where do I go?” „In what to belive?” „Where is my place in the world…?”

9 Developmental psychology Long-life development! Erik Erikson Let’s look into ourselves… - raise up the hand who has no more question about himself, about the world…? ACHIEVEMENT OF IDINTITY FORE- CLOSURE MORATORIUM IDENTITY DIFFUSION Detect a problem have to be solved? Is it solved? Yes No

10 „LIFE TASKS” For example: Hurt/miss of trust: „good or bad…?” Hurt/miss of autonomy: „you don’t have the right to have your own feelings, decisons: must be eated even if it’s not well for you…” Intimacy is the prerequisite of achievment of identity (early adulthood) Middle life (creator) crisis – „Closing time panic”) (adulthood) Emptyness of our life vs. Satisfaction with it (old ages) Developmental psychology Long-life development! Erik Erikson

11 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY – practical benefits: Erikson’s olda age’s life task… - see individual psychology: to belong somewhere, compensate the value-less feeling = care about older community development You have to care with the patient’s soul too: life tasks, crisis’s in adolescence, middle life, and so on…! Psychosomatics…! Your own development: your (professional) credo, established point of view, the organization of your life, solving your own crisis’s…!! You are working with your personalityy too: let’s care about it! Questions..?

12 IMPOSSIBLE TO CHANGE OTHERS, just to change ourselves is possible!!! Do not wait the world to change… Change yourself – AND THE SITUATION…!!


14 NOT JUST…!!!

15 …BUT ALSO…!!!

16 Psychology …to look behind the surface, discover and understand the relationships between the world’s symptomes: the complex, dynamic system of individuals & it’s (social) environment „The academic studying of human mental processes and behaviour”

17 Analytic-, holistic, system orientated point of view = Bio-psycho-social approach CONSCIOUS LOOKING BEHIND THE SURFACE LOOKING FOR HIDDEN RELATIONSHIPS, CORRESPONDENCES AND IT’S ANALYSIS


19 SUBJECTS, THEMS OF PSYCHOLOGY Social psychology General psychology (sensation, perception, memory, thinking, emotions, motivation, learning, etc.) Personality-, developmental psychology

20 The requirement at the end of the semestre: Oral exam: The appreciative use of the learned knowledge!!


22 Questions and answers… E-mail:

23 Thank you for your attention!

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