Volunteer Essentials 2010 and Safety Activity Checkpoints.

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteer Essentials 2010 and Safety Activity Checkpoints."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteer Essentials 2010 and Safety Activity Checkpoints

2 Who We Are Tere Stouffer, Director, Membership Resources Amy Schroeder, Writer/Editor Lucille Griffin, Administrative Assistant Kimberly Roots, Writer/Editor


4 GSUSA 2009 deliverable: “Troop Packet by Spring 2009” Evolution of Volunteer Essentials Original concept: Give troop volunteers an operational handbook.

5 Evolution of Volunteer Essentials

6 Revised concept: Give all volunteers, in all pathways, an operational handbook. Evolution of the Volunteer Packet VOLUNTEER ESSENTIALS

7 2009 Deliverables Writing Deliverable Volunteer Essentials Troop Module Revision Deliverable Heard from more than 40 councils (e-mails, phone calls, and in-person conversations) that they were using the resources for the 2010 membership year. Reviewed 20 customized versions of the resource.

8 2010 Deliverables Quick-Start Guide added Updates made to last year’s text Troop Module became “Troop Appendix” Travel Appendix added Series/Events Appendix added

9 Quick-Start Guide Why Girl Scouts? The Girl Scout Mission, Promise, and Law Who Can Join Girl Scouting—and How! Girl Scouts’ Organizational Structure Getting Started with Journey Books Planning in a Girl-Led Environment Meeting with Girls for the First Time Using Safety Activity Checkpoints

10 Updates to Volunteer Essentials Introduction Chapter 1: Sharing Your Unique Gifts Chapter 2: Girl Scouting 101 Chapter 3: Program—What Girl Scouts Do! Chapter 4: Engaging Girls at All Grade Levels Chapter 5: Staying Safe—Always! Chapter 6: Taking Trips and Hosting Events Chapter 7: Managing Group Finances Troop Module

11 Updates to Volunteer Essentials Introduction Chapter 1: Sharing Your Unique Gifts Chapter 2: Girl Scouting 101 Chapter 3: Program—What Girl Scouts Do! Chapter 4: Engaging Girls at All Grade Levels Chapter 5: Staying Safe—Always! Safety-Wise Chapter 6: Taking Trips and Hosting Events Chapter 7: Managing Group Finances Troop ModuleAppendix

12 Quick-Start Guide Sharing Your Unique Gifts Program—What Girl Scouts Do! Engaging Girls at All Grade Levels Safety-Wise Managing Group Finances Appendix: For Troop Volunteers Appendix: For Travel Volunteers Appendix: For Series/Event Volunteers Updates to Volunteer Essentials


14 Troop Module = Troop Appendix

15 Travel Appendix

16 Series/Events Appendix

17 17 Putting It All Together Volunteer Essentials gives volunteers a one- stop shop, but also offers flexibility! Examples:  One-day event volunteers: Chapters on Girl Scouting 101, Program, and Safety, plus Series/Events Appendix  Troop volunteers: Quick-Start Guide, All VE chapters, plus Troop Appendix  Travel chaperone: Quick-Start Guide and Travel Appendix

18 Future for Volunteer Essentials Strive for 100 percent usage at councils Collect customized versions every year Have councils share customization ideas via Pearl Update and revise annually Add Camp Appendix Add Virtual Appendix Decide how best to reach indirect-service volunteers

19 Much more user-friendly Totally updated, with four new checkpoints Easily updatable in the future Designed in Word, so that councils can customize New format is easy-to-read, print, and distribute New Safety Activity Checkpoints

20 Started with existing Safety-Wise Activity Checkpoints Consulted reputable experts and sources for each activity Teamed with council staff, GSUSA staff, and external groups (Red Cross, American Camp Association) for proofing The Re-Writing Process

21 Title of the checkpoint, a photo and introductory text Information on where to do this activity and how to include girls with disabilities Basic and specialized gear required for the activity How you and the girls need to prepare yourselves in advance of the activity What specific steps to follow on the day of the activity Web links to help you and the girls learn more, plus ways for you and the girls to increase your know-how Activity-specific jargon The New Safety Activity Checkpoints

22 Questions and Comments Tere Stouffer: tstouffer@girlscouts.org or 212.852.5026 tstouffer@girlscouts.org Amy Schroeder: aschroeder@girlscouts.org or 212.852.6592 aschroeder@girlscouts.org

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