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LESSON 6. The “Gifts” of the Spirit God’s EXTRAORDINARY Beginnings The Patriarchal Age—Miracle of Creation followed by natural laws The Mosaical Age—Miracles.

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2 The “Gifts” of the Spirit

3 God’s EXTRAORDINARY Beginnings The Patriarchal Age—Miracle of Creation followed by natural laws The Mosaical Age—Miracles at Sinai followed by non-miraculous. The Christian Age—Birth of Christ, Miracles, Apostles and Miracles followed by the word of God.

4 Measures of the Holy Spirit John 3:34— “Without” Measure Acts 10:47; 11:17— “Like” Measure Acts 2:4— “Full” Measure Therefore the Holy Spirit WAS NOT given in the same degree to ALL.

5 The Different Measures of the Holy Spirit Without Measure was given to Jesus ONLY (Jn 3:34, Col 1:19, 2:9) Baptismal Measure was given only two times. (Acts 2; 10) Evidential Measure was given to the Apostles and believer in the first century. (1 Cor. 12:1,4; Mk 16:19-20) Sanctifying Measure is given to all Christians. (Acts 2:38, Gal. 3:2, 4:6)

6 Categories of the “Gifts” of the Holy Spirit Extraordinary Gifts (Miraculous) –To Jesus (John 3:34) –The baptism of the HS (Acts 2, 10) –Transferring of miraculous ability (Acts 8:5) –Miraculous ability from the Apostles (Acts 19:6) Ordinary Gifts (Non-Miraculous)

7 Spiritual Gifts (1 Cor. 12) Wisdom—power to make wise decisions concerning the church. Knowledge—information regarding Christ, prophecy, and the OT Scriptures. Faith—powerful faith to accomplish great things Healings—power to cure. Miracles—suspend natural laws

8 Spiritual Gifts (1 Cor. 12) Prophecy—speak for God. Not necessarily telling the future. (I Cor. 14:3) Discernment—ability to detect false teachers, prevent error from overtaking the saints. Tongues—ability to speak in a foreign language without having studied it. Interpretation—ability to translate from one language to another.

9 Purposes for the Holy Spirit’s Gifts Spread the Word—Luke 21:15; Acts 17:22 Edify the Church—Eph. 4:11-16 Confirm the Truth—Heb. 2:4 Record the Truth—I Pet. 1:21 Establish the Saints—Rom. 8:4; Gal. 4:6

10 Miracles have Ceased Evident from the Governing Principle Evident from the Building Metaphor Evident from the Maturity Metaphor Evident from the absence of Transmission The Purposes can be done by the Bible.

11 Purposes for the Holy Spirit’s Gifts Spread the Word—Luke 21:15; Acts 17:22 Edify the Church—Eph. 4:11-16 Confirm the Truth—Heb. 2:4 Record the Truth—I Pet. 1:21 Establish the Saints—Rom. 8:4; Gal. 4:6



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