ACTION LEARNING Ian Duncan Joyce Jeffray Simon Sikora Fiona Cook Action Learning Facilitators ECCF 2015 Cohort.

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Presentation on theme: "ACTION LEARNING Ian Duncan Joyce Jeffray Simon Sikora Fiona Cook Action Learning Facilitators ECCF 2015 Cohort."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACTION LEARNING Ian Duncan Joyce Jeffray Simon Sikora Fiona Cook Action Learning Facilitators ECCF 2015 Cohort

2 Aims of the Presentation  Answer the question – ‘What is Action Learning?’  Why Action Learning?  Facilitate the launch of your Action Learning Set

3 What is Action Learning? “A continuous process of learning and reflection that happens with the support of a group of colleagues, working with real problems, with the intention of getting things done.” (McCormack et al 2004)

4 Components of Action Learning  The Individual  The Set  The Issue or Task  The Process  The Facilitator

5 Action Learning Set Roles & Meeting Format ROLES Presenter Set Members Facilitator FORMAT ‘Checking In’ Feedback Issues Review

6 Core skills in Action Learning

7 Things to avoid in Action Learning  Imposing your values and opinions on others  Giving advice  Being judgemental  Criticising, or trivialising the issue being presented

8 Develop an approach more suited to ‘Wicked Problems ’

9 Get comfortable ‘sitting with uncertainty’!

10 Develop the art of asking powerful questions

11 ‘Traditional’ LearningAction Learning Classroom BasedWork Based Individual OrientationGroup Orientation Input OrientationOutput Orientation Knowledge OrientationAction Orientation PassiveActive Historical FocusConcern with Here and Now Source: Action Learning and Excellence in Management Development. Charles Margerison ‘Traditional’ v Action Learning

12 Reported benefits of Action Learning For the individual –  Enhance personal effectiveness and productivity  Reflect on and learn from their individual experiences  Enhance personal leadership and soft skills  Develop self- confidence and assertiveness  Improve awareness of how their assumptions, beliefs, attitudes, and organisational interests influence their thinking, decisions and actions  Cross-functional knowledge and a big-picture perspective  Strategic thinking and action  Awareness of own strengths and development needs

13 For the team/ organisation –  Observable improvements in organisational results  Successful strategic change  Solutions to complex organisational problems  Greater ability to innovate  Stronger peer relationships and support for personal development  Team commitment and flexibility, resulting in higher quality care  Productive discussions that lead to more strategic and focused action  Information sharing across organisational functions


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