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In the Beginning Were Four Elements CHAOSGAIATARTAROSEROS “a gaping, gnawing”mother principleThe Underworld“desire”: “Earth”principle of generation Expression.

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Presentation on theme: "In the Beginning Were Four Elements CHAOSGAIATARTAROSEROS “a gaping, gnawing”mother principleThe Underworld“desire”: “Earth”principle of generation Expression."— Presentation transcript:

1 In the Beginning Were Four Elements CHAOSGAIATARTAROSEROS “a gaping, gnawing”mother principleThe Underworld“desire”: “Earth”principle of generation Expression of divisionFeeling of separationLonging for that from mother, when childwhich is becomes aware ofmissing itself as separate from her

2 Descent from Gaia GAIA (produces and mates with) OURANOS GAIA and OURANOS produce what will be the next generation: the TITANS OURANOS keeps offspring within GAIA GAIA conspires with her youngest son, KRONOS, to neutralize the father KRONOS castrates his father, OURANOS

3 Kronos defeats his father Ouranos

4 Kronos about to castrate his father Ouranos. Vasari.

5 Ouranos’ castrated genitals fall into the sea, and out of the sea foam arises the goddess of erotic love, Aphrodite. (Ludovisi Throne, ca. 460 BCE)

6 Side Panels of Ludovisi Throne

7 Side View of Ludovisi Throne

8 Wall painting from Pompeii

9 Sandro Botticelli. The Birth of Venus.

10 Peter Paul Rubens. The Birth of Venus.

11 William Bouguereau. The Birth of Venus

12 Kronos finds himself in a situation similar to that of his father Ouranos KRONOS marries RHEA (an equivalent of GAIA) KRONOS and RHEA produce what will be the next generation: the OLYMPIANS KRONOS swallows his children RHEA (with GAIA) conspires with youngest son, ZEUS, to neutralize the father ZEUS defeats KRONOS

13 Rubens. “Cronus eats his children.”

14 Francisco de Goya. “Cronus devouring his children.”

15 Rhea tricks Kronos into accepting a stone wrapped in baby Zeus’ swaddling clothes. Red figure vase painting.

16 Same scene as previously. Sculpted metope From Selinus (Roman period)

17 Zeus learns from the mistakes of his father and grandfather ZEUS marries neither his mother, nor a mother substitute Zeus marries 7 wives, each of whom embody principles essential for the stability of his reign

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