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1939-45. Main Cause of World War II: Aggressive actions taken by the totalitarian dictators.

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1 1939-45

2 Main Cause of World War II: Aggressive actions taken by the totalitarian dictators.

3 Capture territory to increase Italy’s empire. 1)

4 Regain territory lost as a result of World War I. 2)

5 Reverse the effects of the Treaty of Versailles. 3)

6 USSR Pol. Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro. Bu. Gr. G

7 1) 1935 – Mussolini invades Ethiopia. League of Nations reprimands Italy but takes no action.

8 USSR Pol. Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro. Bu. Gr. G 1) To Ethiopia

9 2) Mar. 1936 – Hitler re-militarized the Rhineland. Again, League of Nations talks but does nothing.

10 USSR Pol. Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro. Bu. Gr. G Rhineland 2)

11 3) July 1936 – Spanish Civil War erupts. Popular Front wins elections. (coalition of socialist and communist parties)

12 Gen. Francisco Franco revolts. Nationalists v. Republicans. Hitler Stalin Mussolini

13 Guernica – by Pablo Picasso

14 Write a paragraph: What happened at Guernica in 1937? Email to: Subject: Your name, Guernica

15 USSR Pol. Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro. Bu. Gr. G 3)

16 4) Oct. 1936 – Rome- Berlin Axis.

17 USSR Pol. Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro. Bu. Gr. G 4) Rome Berlin

18 5) Mar. 1938 – Hitler annexes Austria. “Anschluss”

19 USSR Pol. Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro. Bu. Gr. G 5) Sudetenland

20 6) Sept. 1938 – Hitler demands the Sudetenland. Munich Conference: G.B., Fr., Ger., It.

21 British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain

22 Munich Pact: Hitler gets Sudetenland, promises not to take anything else. Appeasement policy.

23 What was the lesson of Munich?

24 USSR Pol. Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro. Bu. Gr. G 6)

25 7) Mar. 1939 – Hitler takes the rest of Czechoslovakia. You can’t appease a bully!

26 USSR Pol. Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro. Bu. Gr. G 7)

27 8) Apr. 1939 – Mussolini invades Albania.

28 USSR Pol. Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro. Bu. Gr. G 8)

29 9) Aug. 1939 – Nazi-Soviet Pact is announced. Non-aggression agreement.

30 USSR Pol. Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro. Bu. Gr. G 9)

31 10) Sept. 1939 – Hitler launches the “blitzkrieg” against Poland. Great Britain & France declare war on the Axis Powers.

32 USSR Pol. Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro. Bu. Gr. G 10)

33 USSR Po Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro. Bu. Gr. G B N D No. Sw. Fin. Es. La. Li. A GB Fr. l. AlliesAxis

34 1) Sept. 1939 – Poland invaded by first Hitler and then Stalin. Great Britain & France declare war on the Axis -- but NOT on the Soviet Union.

35 USSR Pol. Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro. Bu. Gr. G 1) B N D No. Sw. Fin. Es. La. Li. A GB Fr. USSR

36 2) Sept-Apr. 1939-40 – The Phony War. A state of war exists, but without any fighting. “Sitzkrieg.”

37 USSR Po Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro. Bu. Gr. G B N D No. Sw. Fin. Es. La. Li. A Maginot Line 2) l.

38 3) Nov. 1939 – Stalin begins an invasion of Finland, the Baltic States and Romania.

39 USSR Po Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro. Bu. Gr. G B N D No. Sw. Fin. Es. La. Li. A 3) l.

40 4) Apr. 1940 – Hitler invades Denmark and Norway. To prevent a blockade and protect coal shipments from Sweden.

41 USSR Po Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro Bu. Gr. G B N D No. Sw. Fi Es. La. Li. A 4) l. n. m. Coal

42 5) May 1940 – Hitler conquers Benelux countries and invades France. Bypassing Maginot Line.

43 USSR Po Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro Bu. Gr. G B N D No. Sw. Fi Es. La. Li. A l. n. m. 5)

44 June 22, 1940 – France surrenders to the Axis. June 10, 1940 – Mussolini joins the invasion. France Falls

45 Vichy France Dunkirk

46 Winston Churchill

47 Write a paragraph: What happened at Dunkirk? Email to: Subject: Your name, Dunkirk

48 6) Summer 1940 – The Battle of Britain. Battle for control of the skies over English Channel. RAF v. Luftwaffe. Operation Sea Lion.

49 USSR Po Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro Bu. Gr. G N D No. Sw. Fi Es. La. Li. A l. n. m. B English Channel 6)

50 Advantages of each air force: Luftwaffe: 3x as many planes. RAF: 1) Radar. 2) The “Ultra” Secret.

51 Results of the Battle of Britain: RAF posts a kill ratio of 2½:1. Hitler postpones Sea Lion. The Allies live to fight another day.

52 7) Fall-Spring 1940-41 – Hitler conquers the Balkans. 3 countries officially join the Axis: Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria. Yugoslavia and Greece are invaded.

53 USSR Po Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro Bu. Gr. G N D No. Sw. Fi Es. La. Li. A l. n. m. B 7)

54 8) June 1941 – Hitler invades the Soviet Union. Operation Barbarossa. Over 4 million soldiers on an 1800-mile-wide front.

55 USSR Po Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Ro Bu. Gr. G N D No. Sw. Fi Es. La. Li. A l. n. m. B 8) Hitler’s Atlantic Wall.

56 Pol. Ger. Fr. Sp. GB It. Cz. Au. Yug. Hu. Rom. Bu. Gr. G N D No. Sw. Fin. Es. La. Li. A B US SR USSR joins the Allies. Hitler’s Atlantic Wall.

57 Japan’s motivation: Build an empire to exploit its labor, resources, and markets. Name of Empire: Greater East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere Slogan: “Asia for Asians”

58 1) 1931 – Japan invades Manchuria. Coal reserves.

59 The Pacific Theater The Pacific Theater Jap.Kor. For. 1) Coal

60 2) 1937 – Japan invades China. Asia for Asians?

61 The Pacific Theater The Pacific Theater Jap.Kor. For. 2) Man. Nanking

62 Write a paragraph: What was the “Rape of Nanking”? Email to: Subject: Your name, Nanking

63 3) 1940 – Japan joins the Axis and invades French Indochina. Why join the Axis? 1) Similar ideas about govt. 2) Common enemies. 3) Axis is winning!

64 The Pacific Theater The Pacific Theater Jap.Kor. For. 3) Axis! Man. China GB Fr. Neth. US Aus. GB

65 4) 1941 – U.S. moves to slow Japan’s momentum. a) FDR moves West Coast naval fleet to Pearl Harbor.

66 b) Congress passes Lend-Lease Act. FDR – “Arsenal of Democracy” c) Trade embargo against Japan. 80% of oil.

67 The Pacific Theater The Pacific Theater Jap.Kor. For. 4) Man. China Indo. Oil

68 Gen. Hideki Tojo Oct. 1941 – Prime Minister of Japan.

69 Hirohito Emperor of Japan from 1926-89.

70 5) Dec. 7, 1941 – Japan bombs Pearl Harbor. Why? War with U.S. is inevitable. Strike a crippling blow.

71 Results? ≈2500 killed. 8 battleships sunk. U.S. aircraft carriers survive. Dec. 8, 1941 – U.S. declares war on the Axis Powers.

72 The Pacific Theater The Pacific Theater Jap.Kor. For. Man. China 5) Indo.

73 The Pacific Theater The Pacific Theater Jap.Kor. For. Man. China Bur. Indo. E. Indies US Phil. US Aus. Mal. HK N.G.

74 Defend this statement: 1941 was the most important year of World War II. Axis Germany Italy Japan Axis Germany Italy Japan Allies G.B., Fr. Allies G.B., Fr. USSR U.S.

75 USC ND 1 st 2 nd 24 4955 0 24 6 Final Battle of Britain (Allies) (Axis) 1939-mid 1942

76 Vichy France Calais

77 Ideology = a set of beliefs about how a society should be run. Two components: 1) Government 2) Economy

78 Government: 1) Democracy = Free elections, rule by law, protection for individual rights.

79 Government: 2) Totalitarianism = One party dictatorship, no ind. rights, use of violence and propaganda to control people.

80 Economy: 1) Capitalism = Free enterprise, private property, little or no government interference.

81 Economy: 2) Communism = Government control of business and property, equal distribution of wealth.

82 Ideology #1: Democracy and Capitalism. U.S., Great Britain, France.

83 Ideology #2: Totalitarianism and Capitalism. Germany, Italy and Japan.

84 Ideology #3: Totalitarianism and Communism. The Soviet Union.

85 Democratic Capitalism Totalitarian Capitalism Totalitarian Communism U.S., Britain, France Germany, Italy, Japan The Soviet Union

86 Democratic Capitalism Totalitarian Communism U.S.A.U.S.S.R. The Cold War


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