Designing a Purposeful Strategy for Managing Human Capital.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing a Purposeful Strategy for Managing Human Capital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing a Purposeful Strategy for Managing Human Capital

2 Define Your Needs Annual planning process - what needs to be done? Skills, knowledge and attitude needed – consider the whole spectrum of options Timeframe Resources needed Relationship management

3 Defining the Project Current staff or overseen by current staff? Plate reduction Do you need a central volunteer coordinator, or is everyone on your staff a volunteer coordinator?

4 Packaging Traditional Volunteers Internships/Fellowships Board Members on Steroids Group/Family Volunteering Youth/Boomers Projects for Individuals Pro Bono / Skilled Volunteers

5 Designing Pro Bono Service for Success

6 The Right Ingredients Knowledge + Process + People = Success –Well-defined, scoped projects –Project Management tools –Carefully screened volunteers and nonprofits –Specific volunteer roles and expertise

7 Culture Shock Differences to consider between your pro bono consultants and their paid jobs They treat us like we’re a field trip to the Zoo Why don’t they get it? Tell them to ask me for more than money!

8 Used to accessing broad expertise in business functions Hired specifically because of their expertise – not used to wearing many hats Used to decision-making hierarchy approach Project team may have never worked together Part time commitment Not a paid incentive – its emotional Culture Shock Differences to consider between your pro bono consultants and their paid jobs

9 Culture Shock Treat their service the SAME as cash. They do NOT know your needs so YOU must Differences to consider between your pro bono consultants and their paid jobs

10 Will Pro Bono Service Meet Your Needs for This Project? Specific risks to consider when determining if this would be a successful pro bono project: Time Sensitivity Project Scope Creep likely Nonprofit Sector Knowledge required

11 Finding the right people with the right expertise to fill your pro bono needs Leverage the online Competencies Map 1.0


13 Common Pro Bono Projects Project description Nonprofit Demand Project Viability & Risks Potential job

14 Common job characteristics Potential “consultants” in the US Potentially applicable pro bono projects Common Job Competencies

15 6 best practices for successful pro bono projects 1.Know what your needs are 2.Ensure the pro bono team has the expertise you need 3.Document the scope and expectations up front and receive a formal commitment (i.e. signatures) 4.Include an implementation and sustainability plan as the final deliverable for ALL projects 5.Develop a communication plan for the project 6.Ensure the project is a win-win-win before committing — it’s better to say “no” now for a “YES” later

16 Pro Bono Management Resources from the Taproot Foundation Taproot Foundation –Service Grant program (apply online!) –Online Pro Bono Service Catalog Pro Bono Action –Competencies Map 1.0(just launched!) –Showcase for great corporate pro bono service –Resources and standards for companies, universities and trade associations delivering pro bono service Dollar Valuation Regional Roundtable – May 19 th

17 Workplace Considerations Operating Hours Training for All Staff Support of Volunteers Integrating Volunteers into Your Development Strategy

18 Volunteer Management Resources from CaliforniaVolunteers California Volunteer Matching Network Volunteer Management Training Volunteer Recognition Governor and First Lady’s Service Award President’s Volunteer Service Award CaliforniaVolunteers Recognition Program Business Partner Program


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