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Seasons and in nature Seasons and cycles in nature Photographs : Alun Williams Autumn.

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Presentation on theme: "Seasons and in nature Seasons and cycles in nature Photographs : Alun Williams Autumn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seasons and in nature Seasons and cycles in nature Photographs : Alun Williams Autumn

2 Autumn Autumn The green leaves of summer change to their autumnal colours. As the warmth of summer slowly changes to the oncoming winter with its cold weather, frosts and snow, the colours of the countryside change from the greens of summer to the gold, reds and browns of dying leaves, ripening nuts and juicy berries. Sweet Chestnut 29

3 Early morning fog and mist are a feature of autumnal weather. 30

4 Fungus Many fungi appear in late summer and early autumn. Penny bun Jew’s ear 31

5 Fungus do not produce seeds but reproduce by producing thousands of spores which are dispersed by the wind. If you look carefully you can see the spores coming out of the puffball. The spores are released from this puffball by drops of rain which cause them to disperse. 32

6 AutumnFruit. 33 Lesson – File: Dispersal

7 Beechmast 34

8 Burdock 35

9 Hazelnuts 36

10 Conkers 37

11 Elderberries 38

12 Arum The berries of the Wild Arum or Cuckoo Pint are easily seen in autumn. 39

13 Grey squirrel – the grey squirrel has a very busy autumn eating and storing nuts in preparation for winter. The squirrel does not hibernate. 40 Lesson – File: Habitat

14 Robin’s pincushion. Pincushion galls are formed in spring around the larvae of gall wasps. In spring the female wasp lays her eggs in the young leaf buds, when the grubs hatch, the gall develops and become fully formed by late summer to early autumn. 41

15 The Jay is a colourful member of the crow family. The jay’s favourite food is acorns which it will store for use during the winter months. 42

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