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Presentation on theme: "DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES COASTAL RESTORATION DIVISION CRMS Tier 1 Training Landrights: Background and Access Packets."— Presentation transcript:


2 CRMS Tier 1Training Landrights  Just because we have an agreement with the landowner doesn’t give us “carte blanche” to go anywhere on their property.  You are our ambassadors in the field, developing relationships with the landowners over a 20 year period.

3 CRMS Tier 1 Training - Landrights 1km sq Landrights “Grid”

4 CRMS Tier 1 Training – Landrights Procedure for Finding a Viable Site  Contractor gets original CRMS number and “ideal” site location: center of 1km  Researches ownership of “ideal” site  Landrights criteria for site: less than 20 owners of a tract & appears to have access  If “ideal” site doesn’t fit criteria, Contractor searches 24 potential 200m squares until a workable site is found.

5 CRMS Tier 1 Training – Landrights Materials Provided to Contractors Access Packages –Multiple site owner  Contact information  Restrictions –Single site owner  Contact information  Restrictions  Maps  Access routes

6 CRMS Tier 1 Training – Landrights Multiple Site Owner Access Packet ACCESS INFORMATION  CRMS114,115,117,120,121,122,128,131,132,133,134, 135,136,137,138,140,146,147  CRMS120,133,134 –ST. BERNARD PARISH  CRMS121,122,131,115,117,128,114,138,140,132,135, 136,137,146,147-- PLAQUEMINES PARISH  MULTIPLE SITE OWNER  NOTIFICATION: Give reasonable notice  CONTACT: MICHAEL (MIKE) FARZIO - FIELD OFFICE 504- 682-5206 - CELL 504-583-8192  LANDOWNER: Delacroix Corporation  BASE AGREEMENT PROVISIONS:  Give reasonable notice  Set warning signs  Repair damages  Within 90 days of site becoming operational  Furnish "as built" plat of site

7 CRMS Tier 1 Training – Landrights Multiple Site Owner Access Packet SPECIAL PROVISIONS:  Access across lands by State to each site shall be along routes and by methods designated by Grantor. Said access routes shall be set forth on a land plat with specific written instructions attached. Sites must be kept on Grantor lands within 1km X 1km area.  No Mud Buggies allowed on property.  Boats and/or Airboats are authorized for use.  Prior to any planned monthly visit during duck hunting season, State shall contact Grantor twenty-four (24) hours in advance of each planned visit and Grantor shall determine the best day of the week, time of the day and duration of each visit.  State agrees to access the sites in a manner that will minimize the disruption of the duck population and hunting as is reasonably practical.

8 CRMS Tier 1 Training – Landrights Multiple Site Owners i.e. “Large Landowners”  Most large landowners have not provided access route and/or final approval of site location, even if they’ve signed the agreement.  These landowners will generally provide a representative to accompany field crew on initial site visit to establish route and final site location in the field.

9 CRMS Tier 1Training – Landrights Site Visits Required for Completion –A number of sites need to be visited prior to signing an agreement; you will be an integral part in completion of landrights in those cases. –Always call the Landowner or Landowner Representative before going on the property. –Always ask if Landowner or Landowner Representative would like to go on the initial site visit. –You and the Landowner will establish access routes in the field.

10 CRMS Tier 1 Training – Landrights Access Packet - Single Site Owner Completed ACCESS INFORMATION  CRMS 0034  TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 8 EAST Section 34  TANGIPAHOA PARISH, LOUISIANA  SINGLE SITE OWNER: CRMS 034  NOTIFICATION: Reasonable notice (Minimum 24 hours)

11 CRMS Tier 1 Training – Landrights Access Packet - Single Site Owner continued CONTACT: Prior to access and maintenance visits following person should be called.  GRANTOR: Michael C. Greene – Wetlands Ecologist/Science Educator: Ph 504-548-3900; cell 985-507-9181 BASE AGREEMENT PROVISIONS:  Grantor’s recommendations will be considered in final Project feature determination.  Post warning signs to mark Project features.  Within 90 days of site becoming operational provide “as built” plat.

12 CRMS Tier 1Training – Landrights Access Packet - Single Site Owner continued  Repair or replace any fences, roads, bridges, launches, trails, waterways and other facilities located on said lands, damaged or destroyed by State, designated representatives or contractors, during installation, operation and maintenance of the CRMS site features.  Dispose of all debris associated with installation, operation and maintenance of the CRMS site(s).  Agreement expiration date: 5/3/2024  SPECIAL PROVISIONS: EXAMPLE: No representation is made or warranty given as to the content. User assumes all risk of use.

13 CRMS Tier 1Training – Landrights Access Packet - Single Site Owner continued  DIRECTIONS TO SITE: There are two ways to access site. The water level will determine which route one would take.  Route1: Travel I-55 South from Ponchatoula to Exit at Manchac, make u-turn, head back north on Hwy 51 for ¼ mile to first driveway off of Hwy 51 to boat launch. From boat launch cross boat over railroad trestle, take North Pass east to site.  Route 2: If water is high, launch at same launch and take canal that parallels I-rr to South Pass Manchac. Travel east about five miles to junction of Pass Manchac and North Pass; take North Pass going west to site. ATTACHMENTS:  2000 SPOT Satellite Imagery map  Tobin plat of access route

14 CRMS Tier 1Training – Landrights Access Packet - Single Site Owner continued

15 CRMS Tier 1 Training Landrights Tobin Map with Access Route Marked

16 CRMS Tier 1 Training - Landrights Access Route Map – Crossing other Properties

17 CRMS Tier 1 Training - Landrights After Site Visit to Establish Exact Location and Route –Provide CRD Land Section with Routes after being established with the Landowner –Always follow the route established by the Landowner or Landowner Representative –If a site is determined not workable, let the Land Section know as soon as possible in order to get it reselected

18 CRMS Tier 1 Training Landrights –Always call the DNC/CRD Land Section if any land issues arise that cannot be rectified in the field. –Always “be patient” with the landowner; their priority is probably not yours! –There may be inconsistances in the access packet's; please let the Land Section know if you find a mistake or an access route that will not work. We’ll work with you to correct all errors. Thanks!

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