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 American Revolution Video 1.  Colonists prepared for possible British attacks.

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2  American Revolution Video 1.


4  Colonists prepared for possible British attacks.

5 Disarm- To take weapons away from a group. Militia- a group of citizens who serve as soldiers in a time of war.

6  Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys seized Fort Ticonderoga and Fort Crown Point.

7  John Hancock was chosen as its president.  Colonists sent a petition to the king.

8 Resign- to give up an office or petition. Petition- a written paper asking for a right or benefit from someone in power.

9 1. Disarm- A. to give up an office or petition. 2. Militia- B. a group of citizens who serve as soldiers in a time of war. 3. Resign- C. To take weapons away from a group. 4. Petition- D. a written paper asking for a right or benefit from someone in power.

10  American Revolution Video 2.


12  Delegates agreed that congress had the power to declare war.  George Washington as made commander of the American Army; Ben Franklin was named postmaster.

13 Interfere- to take part in someone else’s matters in an unwanted way. Commander- leader of a military group. Plea- asking for something Postmaster- person who runs the post office.

14  Put Boston under complete control of the British Army.

15 Pardon- an official statement forgiving someone. Loyalty- Faithfulness.

16  The British captured both.  But they lost many more men than the Colonists.

17  Americans seized Dorchester Heights and could control Boston Harbor.  The British Boston left to the Americans.

18 1. Interfere- A. an official statement forgiving someone. 2. Commander- B. Faithfulness. 3. Plea- C. to take part in someone else’s matters in an unwanted way. 4. Postmaster- D. leader of a military group. 5. Pardon- E. person who runs the post office. 6. Loyalty- F. asking for something

19  America Revolution Video 3.


21  Was concerned that the British could invade New York.

22 Invade- To attack or take over.

23  Led troops to Quebec, where Americans lost the battle.

24 Location- The place where something is positioned.

25  Were defeated at Moore’s Creek in February 1776 by Americans.

26 Loyalists- Americans who supported the king of Great Britain during the American Revolution.

27  Was a statesman who said, “Separate and fight! The war has already begun!”

28 Orator- A person good at public speaking. Statesman- Someone who knows government ideas.

29  Was written by Thomas Jefferson.  Delegates disagreed on the slavery clause, which was removed.

30 Clause- A section of a document. Document- An official paper or piece of writing.

31 1. Invade- A. The place where something is positioned. 2. Location- B. Someone who knows government ideas. 3. Loyalists- C. An official paper or piece of writing. 4. Orator- D. A person good at public speaking. 5. Statesman- E. Americans who supported the king of Great Britain during the American Revolution. 6. Clause- F. To attack or take over. 7. Document- G. A section of a document.

32  American Revolution Video 4.


34  Moved several thousand American soldiers to New York.

35 Revolution- Overthrow and replacement of a government.

36  William Howe and Richard Howe arrived at Staten Island in July of 1776.  Americans were driven off Long Island by General Howe’s attack.

37  Offered to go behind enemy lines to gain information for General Washington.

38 Siege- An army prevents people in a fort or city from leaving in an attempt to capture it.

39  Led a retreat across the Hudson River.  Defeated the British-hired Hessians in New Jersey.  Defeated three enemy regiments at Princeton, New Jersey.

40 Hessians- A German soldier, paid by the British, to fight the Americans.

41 1. Revolution- A. A German soldier, paid by the British, to fight the Americans. 2. Siege- B. An army prevents people in a fort or city from leaving in an attempt to capture it. 3. Hessians- C. Overthrow and replacement of a government.

42  American Revolution Video 5.


44  The British planned to attack New York from Canada, the East, and the South.  British General Burgoyne’s army surrendered to Horatio Gates.  The French decided to help the colonies.

45 Isolate- To set apart from others. Three-pronged attack- an attack in 3 different places against an enemy. Proposal- A suggestion for others to consider. Compromise- A settlement of differences in which each side gives up some of its demands.

46  Washington’s troops stayed here after defeats at Brandywine and Germantown.

47  Was replaced by Henry Clinton, who evacuated troops because France was sending a fleet of ships to aid the Americans.

48 Evacuate- To move away from a dangerous area.

49  Washington’s troops successfully fought the British at Monmouth.  George Rogers Clark captured three British forts.

50 1. Isolate- A. To move away from a dangerous area. 2. Three-pronged attack- B. A suggestion for others to consider. 3. Proposal- C. To set apart from others. 4. Compromise- D. an attack in 3 different places against an enemy. 5. Evacuate- E. A settlement of differences in which each side gives up some of its demands.

51  American Revolution Video 6.


53  Brought military supplies from Europe.  Attacked British ships on their way to the colonies.

54  Captured the British warship Serapis in 1779.

55  Was an American traitor.

56 Convicted- Found guilty of a crime. Traitor- Someone who turns against his or her country.

57  Lord Cornwallis surrendered on October 19, 1781.

58 Sharpshooting- The ability to shoot a gun with great success. Lure- To attract. Inland- Away from the coast. Occupy- To take control of a place. Redeem- To release from blame.

59  Signed as recognition of America’s independence on September 3, 1783.

60 1. Convicted- A. To take control of a place. 2. Traitor- B. To release from blame. 3. Sharpshooting- C. Someone who turns against his or her country. 4. Lure- D. The ability to shoot a gun with great success. 5. Inland- E. Found guilty of a crime. 6. Occupy- F. To attract. 7. Redeem- G. Away from the coast.

61  American Revolution Video 7.

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