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Geodetic Institute of Slovenia Map presentations of data collection for the indicators 4th National Stakeholder involvement workshop Anita Ipša, Vesna.

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Presentation on theme: "Geodetic Institute of Slovenia Map presentations of data collection for the indicators 4th National Stakeholder involvement workshop Anita Ipša, Vesna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geodetic Institute of Slovenia Map presentations of data collection for the indicators 4th National Stakeholder involvement workshop Anita Ipša, Vesna Dežman,Blaž Barborič Beograd, 15 Maj 2014

2 Geodetic Institute of Slovenia Indicators data selection gathering of selected indicators data: –Based on capitals (Territorial, Environmental, Anthropic, Socio-cultural, Economic-human, Institutional) and assets, – per time periods on national/regional level has been prepared for graphical presentation in Transnational territorial attractiveness report, we filled in received indicators data in table.

3 Geodetic Institute of Slovenia Indicators data selection preparation of priority indicators has been made where most recent data of indicators were selected for mapping presentaion, where data were missing we selected the data from period closest to the selected data.

4 Geodetic Institute of Slovenia Map presentations The 28 map presentations of data collection for the indicators were made in ESRI ArcMap, using the map layout presentation. The production of 28 map presentation included the following steps: 1.Preparing the main map sources 2.Preparing supplementary map sources 3.Preparing the data representation in ArcMap data view 4.Preparing the map layout template in ArcMap layout view 5.Preparing layouts in separated mxd document for each indicator

5 Geodetic Institute of Slovenia Preparing the main map sources a shape file with all participating countries/regions the values from the indicators table filled into the shape file as attributes (each indicator = separated attribute; few exceptions) where no data is available, the attribute values were "Null"

6 Geodetic Institute of Slovenia Preparing supplementary map sources separate polygon shape files to represent the neighbouring countries and the see area separate line shape file for borderlines for better visualisation

7 Geodetic Institute of Slovenia Preparing the data representation in ArcMap data view We defined all the layers for representation and set the colours and symbols for common content.

8 Geodetic Institute of Slovenia Preparing the map layout template in ArcMap layout view We defined the map frame orientation, position, size and style. We choose the appropriate scale and extent. We added map elements: map title (the name of the indicator), legend, units of measurement statement, time period statement, statement about region of Kosovo, country/region names. We defined the position, size and style of all map elements, including legend frame and map frame.

9 Geodetic Institute of Slovenia Preparing layouts in separated mxd document for each indicator Classification representation with different colours. Mostly classification method with 5 classes were used. The goal was to make clearly visible the differences between countries/regions and to highlight extreme values. For colour ramps we used the darker colours for more disadvantageous indicator values. Where the values are not known, we used white colour and the label "no data" in the legend.

10 Geodetic Institute of Slovenia Map presentations

11 Geodetic Institute of Slovenia












23 Atlas of Attractiveness indicators of SEE A4 format with map on one side and edscription/interpretation on the other side Text with the interpretation of indicator

24 Geodetic Institute of Slovenia Hvala na pažnji.

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