The Civil Rights Movement Michelle Roumelis Baileigh Lightsey Dpd 4/22/08.

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2 The Civil Rights Movement Michelle Roumelis Baileigh Lightsey Dpd 4/22/08

3 ~Summary~ Many civil rights protests, events,and activity from civil rights activists arose in the 1960s including peaceful protests such as sit-ins,violent protests such as fights against police officers and violent riots in the Watts section of Los Angeles. These events led up to the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968.

4 Events Included In The Civil Rights Movement The Montgomery Bus boycott The Montgomery Bus boycott Sit-ins Sit-ins Freedom rides Freedom rides Birmingham Birmingham The March on Washington The March on Washington Mississippi and Freedom Summer Mississippi and Freedom Summer Selma Selma

5 The Journey to Equal Education In 1950,black students were not given a high quality education,yet white students were. Black school houses lacked the luxury that wealthy white schools could afford such as up-to-date text books, heaters, and a sufficient number of teachers. White schools received three times as much money as black schools. Many black parents did not appreciate this, so a father named Oliver Brown and 13 other parents filed suit on the Topeka Board of Education after they were denied the right to place their children in white schools. This lawsuit case was named after Oliver. After the school Board disapproved of his request for black students to go to white schools, he went to the NAACP for help. They hired lawyers to fight for African students around the country to be accepted into the schools that only white students attended. The case was lost at state level, but the NAACP was determined and didnt give up. They took the case to supreme court and after three whole years, on May 17, 1954, The Supreme Court decided it was not right to separate black and white students into separate schools.

6 Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks Rosa Parks was an employed as a secretary at the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) branch in Montgomery. Rosa Parks was an employed as a secretary at the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) branch in Montgomery. She started the Montgomery bus boycott which took place on December 5, 1955 and helped to end to the segregation laws in the south by bravely refusing to give up her seat to a white man and was arrested. She started the Montgomery bus boycott which took place on December 5, 1955 and helped to end to the segregation laws in the south by bravely refusing to give up her seat to a white man and was arrested. M.L.Ks mom tried to explain to him The Jim Crow Laws these laws separated blacks from whites. With other black leaders, he started the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (S.C.L.C.) to fight Jim Crow Laws and performed his famous "I Have a Dream" speech in Washington, D.C. in 1963 M.L.Ks mom tried to explain to him The Jim Crow Laws these laws separated blacks from whites. With other black leaders, he started the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (S.C.L.C.) to fight Jim Crow Laws and performed his famous "I Have a Dream" speech in Washington, D.C. in 1963

7 Effect the Civil Rights Movement had on the U.S Laws were passed that provided equal opportunities for people in areas such a as employment,education, and service. Blacks and whites could sit in the same train cabins and bus seats. It became illegal to segregate. Blacks and Whites began living together, they could share places that were normally segregated such as neighborhoods, which changed the culture of America drastically. Laws were passed that provided equal opportunities for people in areas such a as employment,education, and service. Blacks and whites could sit in the same train cabins and bus seats. It became illegal to segregate. Blacks and Whites began living together, they could share places that were normally segregated such as neighborhoods, which changed the culture of America drastically.

8 Quiz Questions! Quiz Questions! Where did M.L.K Jr. give his famous I have a dream speech? A) Where did M.L.K Jr. give his famous I have a dream speech? A) What was the NAACP? What was the NAACP? What laws separated blacks from whites? What laws separated blacks from whites? How did the NAACP help Oliver Brown? How did the NAACP help Oliver Brown? How many years did it take for the supreme court to deal with Oliver Browns case? How many years did it take for the supreme court to deal with Oliver Browns case? Who started The Montgomery Bus Boycott? a) Martin Luther King Jr. b) The NAACP c) Rosa Parks Who started The Montgomery Bus Boycott? a) Martin Luther King Jr. b) The NAACP c) Rosa Parks How much more money did white schools receive than black schools? A) twice as much b) three times as much How much more money did white schools receive than black schools? A) twice as much b) three times as much What could blacks and whites share thanks to the Montgomery Bus Boycott? A) busses b) bus seats What could blacks and whites share thanks to the Montgomery Bus Boycott? A) busses b) bus seats

9 Bibliography! Credit goes to the following online resources and text book: "Martin Luther King Jr." Free At Last. Oracle Education Foundation: Think Quest. 23 Apr. 2008 < martin_luther_king,_jr_.htm>. Appleby, Joyce, Alan Brinkley, and James M McPherson. The American Journey. The McGraw -Hill Companies, Inc.: n.p., 2005.

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