Chapter 7: The Nature of Science Chapter 3: Planning to Teach Science.

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1 Chapter 7: The Nature of Science Chapter 3: Planning to Teach Science

2  Turn-in Chapter Review Questions  Discussion:  Differentiated Instruction (later tonight)  Unit Plan Summary (later tonight)  Science Teaching Inventory (p 11)  Share answers and thoughts with class.

3  Warm-up Question:  What is the common perception of science today?  What do we already know about science?  Science Disciplines?  Scientific Method?  Questioning Nature & Phenomena?  Trail & Error?  Accurate Conclusions v. Hypothetical Evaluations  Making the ABSTRACT become CONCRETE Chapter 7

4  Science is …  To discover nature  Using scientific methods  Process of finding out  Study of universe  Organizing facts into theories  Method of discovery  Body of organized knowledge  Problem solving  Search for truth  Skills necessary …  Critical thinking skills  Problem-solving skills  Cognitive abilities  Intuition  Curiosity  ‘Gut’ Feelings  Thoughts/Emotions  Past Experiences  Common Sense Chapter 7

5  Normal Science  Chemical Reactions, Cell structure, quantum mechanics, planetary movements, plate tectonics  Nonscience (as quoted from text)  Creationism, Remote Viewing, Astrology, Alien Abduction, UFOs, Freudian psychoanalytic theory, and recovered memories  Borderlands Science  Superstring theory, Inflationary cosmology, theories of consciousnesss, search for extraterrestrial intelligence, chiropractics  Can all of this be useful in class discussions?  Can WE build from public misconceptions & misperceptions about society and nature and life? Chapter 7

6 SCIENTIFIC INQUIRYINVESTIGATING  Beliefs  Curiosity  Imagination  Reasoning  Cause-&-Effect Relationships  Self-Examination & Skepticism  Objectivity & Open- Mindedness 1. Observing 2. Collecting Data 3. Developing a Hypothesis 4. Experimenting 5. Concluding ExperimentationStrategy ReasonIntuition ChanceObservations HypothesisSerendipity Overcoming Difficulties Chapter 7

7  Content & Society -> Relevancy & Relationships  Questioning Prior Knowledge  Questioning Misconceptions  Experimentation (Hands-on Learning) Anything else??? Chapter 7

8  Who is your target Audience? (p.31)  What are you teaching? (Unit & Daily Topic)  What is/are the objective(s)?  What is/are the lesson outcome(s)?  What is the overall function/purpose?  ‘Why do I need to know this?’  ‘When will I ever use this?’ Chapter 3

9  Bloom’s Taxonomy Printout  Differentiated Instruction Information  Fig 3.1, p. 33 – Teaching Comparison  Fig 3.2, p. 34 – Student Engagement Overview  Fig 3.3, p. 37 – Elements of a Science Course  Fig 3.7, p. 44 – Week Overview Example Chapter 3

10  The Science Learning Environment  Creating a positive learning environment  Guiding student learning  Addressing student misbehavior  Learning Activities  Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic  Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences  Learning Outcomes  Questions that ask for depth of understanding (explanations, practical applications, relationships)  NO yes/no questions, NO either/or questions … Chapter 3

11  Examples  Fig 3.6, p.43  My personal Lesson Plans – Thermochemistry  Discuss Unit Summary Writings  What is your focus & style?  Content over Practical Knowledge  Sit & Listen over Active Learning  Paper/Pencil Tests over Performance-Based Assessments Lesson Planning

12 THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND WHEN PLANNING … KEY POINTS OF A LESSON PLAN  Teacher-Centered?  Student-Centered?  Activities?  Active Learning  Hands-on  Demonstrations  Experimentations  Connections  FLOW FLOW FLOW  Topic/Concepts Covering  Objectives & Standards  Materials & Resources  Lesson Outline (w/ timing)  Anticipatory Activity  Information Session  Activity  Lesson Evaluation  Teacher Role  Student Role  Informal & Formal Checks for Understanding (Assessments)  Closure / Homework  ‘Ticket-out-the-door’  Lesson Reflection Lesson Planning

13  Text Questions Chapter 7: # 3, 4 (p. 116) Chapter 3: # 1, 5, 6 (p. 45)  Write your Day 1 Lesson Plan  Focus: Introductory activity, overview of unit, assessing prior knowledge, what new knowledge will you be teaching, new concepts, hands-on activities  Structure for 90 minute class, 28 students, full lab, full resources  Be prepared to PERFORM your Anticipatory Activity (brief 5-10 minute warm-up activity) for the class next week.

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