Mindset  A fixed mental attitude that predetermines a person’s responses to situations.

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2 Mindset  A fixed mental attitude that predetermines a person’s responses to situations.

3 The following six statements make up a mindset that will help you to be successful in school.

4 1. I deserve to be successful.  Success is not in short supply. All of us have the opportunity to be successful.

5 2. I am intelligent enough to master my courses.  Intelligence is a combination of natural ability plus the effects of previous learning and practice.  People who have practiced a lot in a subject appear to be more intelligent.  Your intelligence is very likely more than adequate. You are simply lacking the practice time required to appear as intelligent as some others do.

6 3. I am an individual with my own learning rates.  The rate at which you learn one subject may differ from the rate at which you learn another.  Your rate might be faster or slower than others learning the same subject.  It doesn’t mean that you or they are more intelligent- it just means that you each have your own learning rate in each area.

7 4. I am responsible for my own education.  You are in control- not your parents or teachers.  If you are dissatisfied with how your education is going, you can change what you are doing.  You can’t control what others do, but you can control what you do!

8 I can achieve success by:  Planning  Preparing  Practicing to mastery  Getting prompt feedback

9 6. I can make tomorrow’s assignment easier.  Some students seem to get A’s without even trying.  Generally, they are the ones who spent time mastering the prerequisites, or early lessons in the subject.  Learning is cumulative.  It may take others more or less time than you to master a subject.  What matters is doing what helps YOU to succeed!

10 Six statements of the mindset.  1. I deserve to be successful.  2. I am intelligent enough to master my courses.  3. I am an individual with my own learning rates.  4. I am responsible for my own education.  5. I can achieve success by: planning, preparing, practicing to mastery, and getting prompt feedback.  6. I can make tomorrow’s assignment easier.

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