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Shadows Transits and Eclipses Images courtesy of Dr. Chris Mullis (KH7XT) EUMETSAT, NASA, Berkin Aydogmus (TA3J) & Anthony Ayiomamitis.

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Presentation on theme: "Shadows Transits and Eclipses Images courtesy of Dr. Chris Mullis (KH7XT) EUMETSAT, NASA, Berkin Aydogmus (TA3J) & Anthony Ayiomamitis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shadows Transits and Eclipses Images courtesy of Dr. Chris Mullis (KH7XT) EUMETSAT, NASA, Berkin Aydogmus (TA3J) & Anthony Ayiomamitis

2 Lunar Eclipse As seen in Germany Dr Chris Mullis


4 Transit of Mercury Dr Chris Mullis

5 Transit of Venus Dr Chris Mullis

6 Transit of Venus Info 8 June 2004 Time-lapsed images of the planet Venus crossing the face of the Sun as viewed from Munich, Germany. The transit lasted about six hours, starting at 7:20am CET and ending at 1:23pm CET. Each second of time in this animation corresponds to 15 minutes of actual time.Details: The image is oriented such that North is up and East is to the left. Venus moves with an angular speed of 3.2 arc- minutes per hour. Venus's minimum separation from the Sun is 627 arc-seconds. Venus's disk has a diameter of 58 arc-seconds. The Sun's disk is 31.5 arc-minutes (~0.5 degrees) in diameter. Technical: Sony DSC-F717 digital camera manually butted to the eyepiece of a 10x80 binoculars fitted with mylar solar filters. Exposure setup - f/5.6, 1/80 sec, auto-focus on central focus region, daylight white balance, ISO 100. Field rotation corrected manually in post- processing. Variations in color, intensity, and size are artifacts; time sampling is non-uniform.

7 Solar Eclipse 2006 EUMETSAT Moonshadow on the Sahara

8 Moon Shadow over Turkey EUMETSAT

9 Solar Eclipse in Turkey - by Berkin

10 They were quite proud of their eclipse in Turkey!!! A 30 Lira Coin! A 70 Kurush stamp

11 Transit of ISS Anthony Ayiomamitis

12 Transit of ISS and STS Anthony Ayiomamitis

13 Transit of ISS on the Moon Anthony Ayiomamitis


15 Transit of Deimos and Phobos on Mars Deimos Phobos NASA

16 Disclaimer Aloha I put together these power points for use in my science classes. You may use them in your classes. Some images are public domain, some are used under the fair-use provisions of the copyright law, some are mine. Copyright is retained by the owners! Ted Brattstrom

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