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Grade 10 Applied Science SNC2P Physics: Light and Applications of Optics.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 10 Applied Science SNC2P Physics: Light and Applications of Optics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 10 Applied Science SNC2P Physics: Light and Applications of Optics

2 Quiz

3 Hook

4 What color are these words?

5 Concept Map


7 Curriculum Connections

8 Big Ideas Physics –A wide range of technologies utilize the properties of light and colour. –The behaviour of light depends on the materials with which it interacts. –Light is a form of energy, produced from a variety of sources, and can be transformed into other useful forms of energy.

9 Activities: Summary Light and Colour Mirrors Lenses Pinhole Camera Refraction

10 Misconceptions Please respond using iClickers

11 1. Light travels in straight lines. a)Obviously b)Don’t be ridiculous

12 2. We can see the moon because a)the moon is a luminous object b)the Man in the Moon left the lights on…again c)the moon reflects light from a luminous object d)the moon is white and the background is black

13 3. When light is transmitted a)Energy is lost as heat b)Heat energy is created c)Light consumes heat d)None of the above

14 4. The red part of a stop sign appears to be this colour because… a)red light is reflected b)red light is absorbed c)red pigments in the paint produce red light d)it is associated with danger and danger is red

15 5. Our eyes detect images a)Right-side up b)Upside down c)Inside out d)Outside in

16 6. The primary colours are a)Red, green and blue b)Deep Space Sparkle, Razzmic Berry, Metallic Sunburst c)Cyan, yellow and magenta d)Different if you’re talking about light or if you’re talking about pigments

17 7. The word “clear” in optics means the same as a)translucent b)colourless c)transparent d)opaque

18 8. The images we see in mirrors a)are produced by light from in front of the mirror b)come from behind the mirror c)are real d)do not capture the full scope of my beauty

19 Safety Considerations

20 Careless use of lights and/or lasers can cause harm to the eyes. Light sources can often become hot. Use carefully to avoid burns or fires. Mirrors and lenses are breakable and may have sharp edges. They should be handled with care. Many optics activities work best in low light. This can be a classroom management issue. As always, know your students. Is anyone epileptic, afraid of the dark, or colour-blind, etc?

21 Key References

22 Demonstration

23 Lenses Gizmo

24 STSE Optical Technologies Tradeshow

25 Learning Goals At the end of this assignment, students should be able to: Identify two examples of optical technologies and explain how they function using their previous knowledge on optics. Assess the technology’s contribution to society and the field of science. Evaluate the costs and benefits to the environment, society, technology and science associated with this technology. Represent the technology in a creative manner and report information about it in front of a peer audience.

26 Specific Expectations E1.2 | describe the role of selected optical technologies in the transmission of information, and analyse their impact of society (e.g., cellphones, optical fibre cables, satellite dishes) [AI, C] E3.8 | explain how the properties of light or colour are applied in the operation of an optical device (e.g.. a reflecting telescope, stop lights, stage lights).

27 Overview PART I: Getting to know the technology - student handout -graphic organizer PART II: Optical Technologies Tradeshow -presentation of final product -student evaluation

28 Teaching Strategies -Literacy -Scaffolding -Graphic Organizer -Cooperative Learning -Hand-on Learning

29 Optical Technologies (NOT LIMITED TO!) Optical Technology Fiber Optics TelescopeSatelliteLCDSolar CellsLaser Digital Camera LEDPlasmaBinoculars Micro- scope

30 Optical Technologies (NOT LIMITED TO!)

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