Deprivation in Brent. Brent Employment by Sector.

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Presentation on theme: "Deprivation in Brent. Brent Employment by Sector."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deprivation in Brent

2 Brent Employment by Sector

3 Students 2010/11 Total10,200 Under 1921% GenderMale65% Female35% Known minority ethnic origin58% Refugees / asylum seekers100 From areas of high deprivation33% Another language as a ‘mother tongue’42%

4 Students 2010/11 Overall % of students in 09/10 whose mother tongue is not English – 42% Proportion of most significant languages within the College

5 Diversity – Students 2010/11 CNWL Students and Brent Population (%)

6 Diversity – Students 2010/11 CNWL Students and Brent Population 2001 (%)

7 Single Equality Scheme 3 year trend success rates by age Exp. EndStartsSuccessRetentionAchievement 19+ 08/098,04377%90%86% 09/107,61072%88%82% 10/116,42678%86%91% 10/11 NA - All 81%89%92% Under 19 08/092,53073%87%84% 09/102,48475%88%86% 10/112,33276%86%89% 10/11 NA - All 82%90%92%

8 Single Equality Scheme Black Caribbean 16-18 YearStartsSuccess % Success % NA Retention % Retention % NA Achievement % C CNWL average success % Females 08/0976597968888776 09/1073717982888773 10/1159737985888678 Males 08/09117687985888076 09/10132727977889373 10/1113872798288 78

9 Outcomes by gender – all ages StartsSuccess % Success % NA Retention % Retention % NA Achieve % Achieve % NA Females 08/09 496080799088 90 09/10 4935727990888090 09/10 381679 878890 Males 08/09 5578737988 8390 09/10 5159737985888590 09/10 49427779858890

10 Outcomes by gender < 19 years StartsSuccess % Success % NA Retention % Retention % NA Achievement % Achievement % NA Females 08/09940797887 9089 09/108347978898789 09/10816777985889190 Males 08/091574707887 8189 09/101650747887 8589 09/10151676798688 90

11 Student Survey

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