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Welcome PC-ACE Pro32 Training
What is PC-ACE Pro32? Free software (when downloaded from the internet) IME and EDISS supported HIPAA compliant There is only a cost if the software is not downloaded from the website.
Why use PC-Ace? Faster claims processing No IME keying errors
No scanning issues User friendly It’s free when downloaded from the internet
How to get PC-ACE Access paperwork at
Download and fill out forms Noridian Administrative Services, LLC (NAS) EDI Enrollment Form 837P Professional Claim, or 837I Institutional Claim, or 837D Dental Claim Software Licensing Agreement (SLA) Forms must be signed by the provider. Fax enrollment forms to
How to get PC-ACE Download the software at
Access installation and billing instructions at
The Role of EDISS EDISS (Electronic Data Interchange Support Services) is the vendor for IME EDISS processes electronic billing applications, sets up accounts with user names and passwords EDISS troubleshoots the software
The Role of IME Outreach staff at IME can train providers on the software, help providers build files and give instructions on how to install and bill Outreach staff can train providers either face-to-face or through a phone call
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Once PC-ACE Pro32 is installed, the icon on the desktop will look like the one below. Double-click on the icon to open.
PC-ACE Pro32 Toolbar This is the program’s main toolbar
This is the main menu of the program. The reference file maintenance tab should only need to be set up once unless new patients are admitted or a provider is added or information is changed.
Reference File Maintenance This is where the provider and patient files will be built.
Looks like a file folder
You will be asked to enter a User ID and Password when opening the Reference File Maintenance Screen. Enter ‘sysadmin’ for both. Providers may change their user ID and password.
Setting Up Your Provider Files
This is where you will build your files for provider information and patient files. This is done so that when you are building actual claims, much of the information will default into the required fields, meaning less work for the provider.
From the Reference File Maintenance Screen, Click on ‘Codes/Misc’
On the Codes/Misc tab, click on ‘Submitter’
Setting up Professional Provider Files
Click ‘Professional Option’
We will build our Professional Provider files first. Click the “Professional” option. Talk about who would use professional forms: Waivers, physician, dental, Case Management, Chiropractor.
Click ‘View/Update’ Click “View/Update”
On the Professional Submitted Information screen, complete the required information then click ‘save’. Required information: Vendor Trading Partner ID that was sent to provider by EDISS Tax ID (EIN) Name Address Phone Fax Contact Name.
From the Reference File Maintenance Screen, click on Provider (Prof)
From the Reference File Maintenance Screen, click on Provider (Prof). Then click ‘new’.
On the New Provider Options screen, choose the appropriate option.
Note: If you have numerous individuals in a group, ‘Inherit name/address information’ would be the option to choose to avoid re-keying each time a new individual in a group is set up.
On the Professional Provider Information screen, click the appropriate option.
Note: Most providers will choose ‘solo’.
On the Professional Provider Information screen, complete the required fields, then click on the ‘Extended Info’ tab. Required fields Provider Type Organization name Name Address- NOTE: The zip code MUST match the zip code that was used to verify with the NPI number Provider ID/Type- NPI number. If atypical provider, use ‘X00’ in front of 7-digit legacy LOB- enter MCD Payer ID- right-click in box and choose choose “Medicaid for Iowa” from the list and the field will populate. NPI- Enter NPI. If atypical, enter “EXEMPT” in the field Tax ID/Type: Enter Tax ID, then enter ‘E’ for EIN or ‘S’ For SSN Taxonomy/Type: Enter taxonomy code, the right-click on the small box beside it and enter “BI” for billing Accept assignment, Signature Ind, Date, Billing, Rendering required. Right-click in field to choose appropriate option.
Professional Provider Information (extended info) Enter ‘XX’ for provider ID/No Type.
The XX is for ‘NPI’ NOTE: For Dental Providers ONLY- Enter Y in the Dental Provider field.
Professional Provider Information (Local Fields) Enter Submitter ID given to you by EDISS, then click ‘save’. Note: The Submitter ID from EDISS should be entered here.
Setting up Institutional Provider Files
Nursing facilities
From the Reference File Maintenance Screen, Click on ‘Codes/Misc’ and then on ‘Submitter’.
Click the ‘Institutional’ Option and then click ‘View/Update’.
On the Institutional Submitter Information screen, complete the required information, then click ‘save’. Required fields: Submitter ID Tax ID Name Address Phone Contact Name
From the Reference File Maintenance Screen, click on the Provider (Inst) tab then click ‘New’.
On the New Provider Options screen, select the appropriate choice and click ‘OK’.
Inherit name/address is a good choice when having to enter numerous individual providers.
From the Institutional Provider Information screen, complete the required information under General Info. Required information: Name Address Phone Fax Contact Name Provider ID/No- NPI LOB- enter MCD Payer ID- right-click and choose ‘Medicaid for Iowa- IA NPI Tax ID/Type- enter tax id and ‘E’ in small box to the right for EIN and ‘S’ for SSN Taxonomy/Type- enter taxonomy code, and enter ‘BI’ for billing in small box to the right.
On the Extended Info tab, enter ‘XX’ in the Provider ID/No Type field.
XX is for NPI
From the Local Fields tab, enter the Submitter ID number sent by EDISS, then click ‘Save’.
Submitter ID comes from EDISS
Setting up the Patient Files
This is where you build patient information so that you don’t have to enter all of the information on every claim. By doing this step, it allows most of the information to auto-populate on the claims screens.
From the main Reference File Maintenance screen, click on the ‘patient’ tab as shown below, then click ‘new’.
On the General Information tab, complete the required information.
Name Patient Control Number (most people use Medicaid ID), but they can use an internal account number for the patient up to 20 characters Address (can use office address) Active Patient is already checked Sex Date of Birth Signature on file right-click in box and choose Y, and then P in the box to the right of it Release of Info right-click in box and choose appropriate option (A is usually the appropriate option) ROI Date (have providers use 01/01/2001).
On the Primary Insured tab, complete the required information and click ‘save’. Then click ‘close’ in the bottom right corner. Required info: Payer ID – right click in the field and choose Medicaid for Iowa- the number will populate the field Payer Name (Choose Medicaid for Iowa-IA) LOB (Choose MCD) Rel- enter 18 for ‘self’, and this will automatically populate much of the information on the page Fields that need to still be filled in are: Insured ID- enter the patient’s State ID Assignment of Benefits- Enter ‘Y’ If billing BOTH Institutional and Professional claims, go to the Insured Information Options box in the top right corner of this tab and choose ‘Common Inst & Prof’.
Creating Professional Claims Waiver and Targeted Case Management
This is where you will build Waiver and Targeted Case Management claims.
Click on ‘Enter Claims’.
On the Patient Info & General tab, complete the required fields
On the Patient Info & General tab, complete the required fields. Do not click ‘save’ when completed. Required: LOB (MCD) Billing Provider right-click to choose appropriate billing provider to populate the field. This will automaticallly populate Fed Tax ID, SSN/EIN, Accepts Assignment, Provider SOF, Date, and Box 33a PIN No. Patient Control Number- right-click to view patient list. Choose appropriate patient and field will populate. At this point, most of the following fields should automatically populate: Name Birthdate Sex SOF Legal Rep Address ROI, ROI date Other Insurance The only fields that will not automatically populate are Patient condition related to- Right click to choose ‘Yes’, ‘no’, or ‘unknown’ for Employment AND Accident.
On the Insured Information tab, the required fields should automatically populate.
The required fields should already be populated: Payer ID Payer Name Insured’s ID P. Rel Insured’s Name Birthdate Sex Sig AOB Address
On the Billing Line Items tab, complete the required information, then click ‘save’.
Diagnosis code- Waiver providers and TCM will use V0001. Do not use decimal point when entering diagnosis codes. Service from and through dates required- Waiver and TCM will bill for the full month PS (Place of Service)- Most Waiver and TCM providers can choose ’99’ for ‘other’ place of service Procedure code- right click in field to see a list of procedure codes. It will have 5 digits. Diagnosis indicator- Place a 1 in this field to relate the line item to to the diagnosis code you entered above Charges- enter TOTAL charges for the entire month. Ex: rate per unit is $10 and 5 units are performed, you would enter $50 in this field Units- enter total number of units that were provided during the month of service. Click ‘recalculate’ toward the bottom of the page. NOTE- when you click save, a box entitled ‘Edit Validation Errors List’ may appear. This means required fields have been left blank or there is invalid information. If there are no errors, the claim will be saved as a clean claim waiting to be transmitted. Once a claim has been saved and errors have been corrected, a blank claim form will pop up for the provider to begin a new claim.
Creating Professional Claims CMS 1500
This is where Remedial, physician, Dental, Chiropractic, etc claims will be built
Click on ‘Enter Claims’
On the Patient Info & Codes tab, complete the required information.
Enter ‘MCD’ in LOB field. When this is done, most of the required information will populate automatically. Required information that needs to be manually entered: Patient condition related to- right click to choose appropriate option for Both Employment AND Accident fields Referring Physician Name/ID/Type (Box 17 and 17a)- conditional. If patient is a MediPASS member and has an authorization from the MediPASS physician, enter the 10 digit NPI MediPASS authorization number. If the patient is lock-in and has an authorization from the Lock-in physician, enter the NPI number of that physician. In the box underneath ‘Type’ enter ‘XX’ for NPI. For chiropractors ONLY- Box 14, Date/Ind of Current is required- Enter date of onset of treatment. Also right click in the small box next to the date and select ‘1’ for Date of first symptoms of illness. Also for chiropractors ONLY- Box 15, First Date, is required- enter date of the current x-ray. IMPORTANT for Dentists- put a ‘Y’ in the Dental? Field at the bottom of this screen
On the Insured Information tab, All required information should automatically populate.
Payer ID Payer Name Insured’s ID P. Rel Name Birthdate Sex Sig AOB Address
On the Billing Line Items tab, complete the required information and click ‘save’.
Required fields to be filled out manually: Diagnosis code- right-click in the field and choose appropriate dx code Service dates PS- Place of Service- enter place of service code or right click in the field to see a list Procedure code- enter code or right click in the field to see a list Modifiers- conditional Diagnosis indicator- required Charges- enter total charges Units Rendering Physician- conditional- this field is only used for group providers. The individual physician’s provider number would be entered here if part of a group. Hit Recalculate to bring charges down. Hit save- if there is missing or invalid information entered, it will instruct you to correct the errors. Save again. If the claim is correct, a blank form will pop up for the provider to build the next claim.
Creating Institutional Claims Nursing Facility
This is where Nursing Facility claims will be built
Click on ‘Enter Claims’
On the Patient Info & Codes screen, complete the required information
On the Patient Info & Codes screen, complete the required information. Do not click save when completed. In LOB, enter MCD Right-click in the Patient Control Number field and highlight the patient that you want to bill for. Click ‘select’. This should auto populate the patient information. Other required fields: Statement Covers Period: enter the first date through the last date of the month. Covered days Non-covered days Admission Date Admission hour- enter as a two-digit code. Goes from If not sure, can enter 08 for 8am. Type- enter 9 Source- enter 9 Status- 30 for ‘still a patient’, 01 for ‘general discharge’ or 20 for ‘expired’ Do not click save
On the Billing Line Items tab, complete the required information
On the Billing Line Items tab, complete the required information. Do not click save when completed. Required: Revenue code for nursing facility Rate per unit/day Service date- enter from and through date Units- number of units/days Total charges should populate Click recalculate at the bottom.
On the Payer Info tab, the information should already be populated.
This should be auto-populated
On the Diagnosis/Procedure tab, complete the required information.
Principal diagnosis code. Right click and choose the appropriate diagnosis, or if you know the diagnosis, type it in the field. Do NOT use decimal points. Supporting Provider Information in the bottom right corner- right click in the first field under Last/Org Name and select and option.
On the Extended Payer tab, complete the required information, then click ‘save’.
All of the information should be auto populated EXCEPT: Reference Number/Type in the bottom left corner- enter I, and in the small box to the right of it enter IMS. Remember to do this on every claim. Click Save. If there is any invalid information or required information missing, a box will pop up telling you which fields to correct.
Preparing Claims for Transmission
Click either INST or PROF, depending on which clam type you will be transmitting.
Click on ‘Prepare Claims’
‘LOB’ drop-down box should say ‘All’. Click on ‘Prepare Claims’.
The LOB (Level Of Business) field should say <<All>>. Make sure ‘Production’ is checked in the Submission Status Box and that ‘No’ is checked in the Include Error Claims? Box. Click Prepare Claims.
How to view results:
Transmission Detail Report
This report shows you a list of claims that have been prepared to transmit. It is NOT a list of claims that have been transmitted.
Contact EDISS to send a test submission claims batch
Contact EDISS to send a test submission claims batch. You will need to have 10 sample claims set up to test. Once this has been completed successfully, you will be moved to ‘Production’ status. You will then be able to start submitting claims for payment.
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