Critical Incident Reporting System [CIRS] Other Incidents A/N/EFraud.

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2 Critical Incident Reporting System [CIRS] Other Incidents A/N/EFraud

3 Introduction Timeframes Categories and Incident Types Procedure Walkthrough Questions…

4 Timeframes We need incidents of this nature reported within 24 hours of Incident. Abuse Neglect Exploitation Fraud Unusual Death Restraint Seclusion Media involvement In reality, given the seriousness of such incidents, we would expect the reporting of these incidents immediately after notification.

5 Categories and Incident Types When selecting one of the 8 broad categories, The counselor should choose an incident type and list that event as the first words in the narrative. Significant medical Event of Provider – Customer called today to inform me his P.A. was in a terrible car accident and is presently in the ICU at Northwestern. He indicates that the police contacted him after the provider had a copy In cases where multiple events occur, such as both neglect and fraud, please simply choose the most appropriate category.

6 Categories Abuse and Neglect Unusual Death Behavior Issues Illegal Activity by Customer Illegal Activity by Provider Medical/Psychiatric Sexual Misconduct Other

7 Abuse and Neglect Physical abuse of customer * Verbal/Emotional abuse of customer* Sexual abuse of customer* Exploitation of Customer* Neglect of customer* UNUSUAL DEATH Death, HSP customer Death, Other parties

8 Category – Behavioral Issues Self-Neglect Customer is missing Problematic possession or use of a weapon by a customer. Customer displays physically aggressive behavior Property damage by customer of $50 or more Suicide attempt by customer Suicide ideation/ threat by customer Suspected alcohol or substance abuse by customer

9 I LLEGAL A CTIVITY BY THE C USTOMER Customer arrested, charged with or convicted of a crime Fraudulent activities on the part of the customer Provider arrested, charged with or convicted of a crime Fraudulent activities on the part of the Provider I LLEGAL A CTIVITY BY THE P ROVIDER

10 C ATEGORY – Medical/Psychiatric Significant Medical Event of Provider Significant Medical Event of Customer C ATEGORY – S EXUAL M ISCONDUCT Sexual Harassment by provider Sexual Harassment by customer Sexually problematic behavior

11 Other Seclusion of a customer * Restraint of a customer* Media involvement/media inquiry* Threats made against DRS/HSP Staff Falsification of credentials or records Report against DHS/HSP employee Bribery or attempted bribery of a HSP Employee Fire / Natural Disaster *Report these incidents as soon as possible

12 Procedure Send an email to the following: – – Your supervisor – Once the report is sent, you will not have view or edit access. – It will be saved and will be accessible in phase 2. You will email the same two addresses each and every incident type until further notice.

13 We need 4 details in your email: Name Category Incident Type Office

14 Procedure With the portability and wireless connectivity of laptops, its feasible for staff to complete both the email and incident report while in the field. In lieu of this, please make every effort to report incidents as soon thereafter as possible.



17 Depending on the type of category you choose, a few sub-category questions may appear. In phase 2, this will be more significant. –If you select A/N/E, you may need to identify perpetrator, relationship to victim, etc.


19 Narrative Description of Incident or Event Names, and relationships of involved parties Any end result or outcome to the event. Staff are responsible to make referrals to appropriate source when necessary. (i.e. DHS OIG, Elder Abuse Hotline, Police, etc.) If it is deemed necessary to make a hotline or police report, and you have not already done so, Central Support staff may instruct you accordingly. Immediate Action Taken

20 The reporter is the person that brings the incident to our attention. – Customer – Caregiver – Provider – Police – yourself

21 Referrals from the Community (customer, family, provider, neighbor, other)

22 DRS Field Staff: will alert local authorities if necessary, and will refer immediately to APS and HSP Central Support DRS Field Staff: will identify one of the category types and will prepare/submit incident report, including significant participants and their relationships. DRS Field Staff: if provider is a PA, will replace with Homemaker - pending results of investigation. 1. DRS receives report of Neglect, Abuse and/or Exploitation from the Community at-large

23 APS: Send referrals to DRS Central Support after notification of potential abuse, neglect or financial exploitation 2. Referrals to DRS from Adult Protection Services APS: Will provide DRS Central Support with identifying information on individual. DRS Central Support: Notify DRS Field Staff about the APS referral; will include any demographic information as well as any recommendations from APS investigator.

24 DRS Field Staff: Will contact individual, schedule an appointment to complete application, assessment and if appropriate, develop service plan; will consider any APS recommendations.

25 APS Assessment / DRS Follow Up

26 1. Substantiated Report from APS DRS Central Support: contact local office supervisor and advise of recommended plan of action as stipulated by APS APS: At the close of the APS assessment, a report will be submitted to DRS Central Support that indicates whether the allegations of A/N/E are substantiated, unsubstantiated, or unable to substantiate.

27 1. Substantiated Report from APS (continued) DRS Field Staff: If involving PA, DRS Field Staff will Inform customer of decision to continue use of Homemaker service or to select new PA; if homemaker, DRS Field Staff will notify homemaker agency that the worker will no longer be able to work with HSP customers. DRS Central Support: If involving PA, Central Support will notify Local Office and HSP Fraud Unit to prevent PA from working with customers in the future; if involving homemaker, Central Support will ask Local Office to notify homemaker agency that the worker will no longer be allowed to work with HSP customers.

28 2. DRS Follow Up DRS Field Staff: Once follow up has been completed by the Local Office, APS and DRS Central Support will be notified with details of the actions taken. DRS Field Staff: Local office staff will implement recommended actions from APS. DRS Central Support: will provide summary of actions taken by DRS Field Staff to APS investigator

29 3. APS Unsubstantiated Report DRS Central Support: If Unsubstantiated finding, Central Support will notify Local Office Supervisor that provider may be considered again if customer chooses.

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