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Background of beneficiary Netherlands Leprosy Relief (NLR) supports MoH leprosy control in India through a local office and a team of leprosy program advisers.

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Presentation on theme: "Background of beneficiary Netherlands Leprosy Relief (NLR) supports MoH leprosy control in India through a local office and a team of leprosy program advisers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Background of beneficiary Netherlands Leprosy Relief (NLR) supports MoH leprosy control in India through a local office and a team of leprosy program advisers in (a number of districts in) six states. Other NGOs similar to NLR (ILEP-partners) are operating in the same area. Annual budget €650.000 Flexible, low-tech introduction of a website and intranet, powered by Site@School (S@S), as a sustainable, secure and low cost knowledge management (KM) tool in a large multi state leprosy control project in India. Objectives of website/intranet General: To improve project performance on a cost effective and sustainable way. Specific: To explore and demonstrate the benefits of modern information technology on the primary and secondary processes of NLR leprosy control support in India. Preconditions for KM Project KM should be in the interest of all stakeholders of the leprosy control program, like local governments, health workers and facilities, NGO’s, patients and public (and not exclusively for the NLR project) KM should be sustainable; that is Effectively serving all stakeholders, With secure data transfer and storage, Affordable, Daily content management by non-specialized project staff and (if desired) by stakeholders, OSS/GPL; open document formats to guarantee independence of the software and third parties. Operational definition of KM Systematic generation, collection, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information related to the leprosy control project, in a sustainable format. The information should be suitable as input for computer programs like word processors, spreadsheet programs, databases, statistical programs and geographical information systems. Beneficiaries of the information should include all stakeholders as listed in the logical framework describing the project. Site@School ® SiteatSchool (S@S) - What is it? Site@School is a Content Management System (CMS) primarily designed for primary schools and applied in many countries by schools and other organizations including NGO’s and commercial companies. It is Open Source Software, licensed under the General Public License and hence downloadable free of charge. It and has been translated in many languages. S@S is a component of Server op School ( a robust and secure server; also OSS/GPL and free downloadable. Characteristics Manage your schools website without technical knowledge Edit the web pages with a Word processor like editor. NLR Leprosy Advisers (LPAs) and stakeholders can have personal pages on the website LPAs can check stakeholders pages before publication Project pages to let stakeholders collaborate on pages An intranet for LPAs (not accessible by the public or stakeholders) Comprehensive manual with over 300 screenshots Create your own site layout with templates Additional modules allow for flexible development Modules Stakeholder pages Search Sitemap Newsletter Up/download Forms builder Agenda Calendar Template editor Forum Links Chat Messages Guestbook E-Mail News Album TV Module Advertisements Translation tool Stepwise introduction of S@S July 2007, India: overnight (=within 24 hrs) demo-creation from scratch of a website: application of URL, contracting a host provider, installation of a CMS and set up of a basic website August 2008, Delhi: Workshop for NLR Country Office Staff, on basic S@S skills, features and website/intranet opportunities December 2008, Delhi: Similar workshop, but now including LPAs of all 6 states Country Office staff participated as participant and as co- facilitator Low cost training facilities with own hardware, wi fi and venue Main facilitation by KIT consultant Follow up On line and during workshops in near future Stepwise development of website/intranet Adding of content by NLR Delhi, State LPA and NLR/KIT Amsterdam Fine tuning of the template by external IT specialist Adding content by Leprosy Program Advisors (LPAs) Updating/adding content by (some) stakeholders Application of (more) modules Other developments like combining with a Geographical Information System (GIS) Results: A basic website and (protected) intranet was produced Enthusiastic, sensitized and skilled staff Outlines for further content development were formulated Website/Intranet/URL costs <€100,- per year (excluding sophisticated template editing) Challenges Participatory production of content Maintenance of content Interaction / communication between NLR Delhi, Program Advisers (LPAs), NLR NL, KIT and other stakeholders Effective use of the principle “one source-multiple applications” Linking a GIS (for instance Health Mapper) to the website/intranet Verifying our experiences in India in other projects under different circumstances

2 The Public Website The Intranet For NLR Staff The Site Manager 6 jan 2009

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