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2013 Annual Work Program - Project Development Workshop May 22, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "2013 Annual Work Program - Project Development Workshop May 22, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013 Annual Work Program - Project Development Workshop May 22, 2013

2 Purpose of todays meeting  Develop Annual Work Plan direction for 2013-14  Agreement on 2013-14 projects for Board approval tomorrow  Identify CREW Board Director Project leads/co-leads  If time permits, break into groups to further identify details of the projects

3 Updated Project Development Process  CREW Staff will identify projects based on the Strategic Plan goals, objectives and action items (developed with Board Approval)  Project development workshop with Board Directors  Each project must have at least one Board Director as a project lead to carry out the project.  The project lead(s) must use the standard form for the project (see Appendix C).  The timeframe of projects can extend over multiple years. However, because we are funded through the NEHRP program on an annual basis, each project must include an annual deliverable.  Project proposals can be a collaboration between CREW and other agencies but at least one CREW Board Director must be a co-project lead.  If CREW is successful at gaining funding outside of the FEMA grant, a new project development process can be discussed, as needed.  The CREW Board of Directors will approve the projects for the annual work plan based on the project development workshop.

4 Project Criteria  Fits with the mission of CREW  aligns with and maximizes CREW project goals and objectives  proposed project methodology is realistic and outcome- oriented  outcomes and deliverables are clear, measurable and tangible  cost estimates have been vetted and are reasonable  overall value of the project is high (general relationship of benefit to cost)  Benefits the CREW community broadly

5 CREW Fixed Costs Fixed Cost 2012- 13 Administrator & Program Support $ 41,760.00 Insurance $ 1,525.00 Basecamp $ 288.00 Webex $ 600.00 Webhosting - Amazon & Network Solutions $ 650.00 Travel $ 9,500.00 Web Maintenance $ 3,600.00 Bank Charges $ 96.00 TOTAL $ 58,019.00

6 Project $’s Available $ 42,000

7 Goals, Objectives and Action Items  Developed as a part of the strategic plan workshop (see handout)  Used as the basis of project development for the upcoming annual work plan

8 Cascadia Subduction Zone Scenario Update  Description: print & distribute the newly updated CSZ Scenario  Cost - $4000  Achieved goals & objectives:  Goal 3 Objective 3.1 Action a  Deliverable: Distribution of newest scenario to appropriate partners  Schedule: 1-3 months

9 Messaging Plan Outcomes  Description: Develop materials based on the 2013 CREW Messaging Plan. Preliminary ideas include the following :  Quarterly Newsletters – getting message out to members  Get information back from them  Think about the information your collecting  Factsheets /Checklists  Scenario – who uses this – factsheets geared at focus groups  Who develops the material  Annual Community Outreach Memo  Video Clips – continued from 2013  Cost - $18,000  Achieved goals & objectives:  Goal 1 Objective 1.1 Action c  Goal 3 Objective 3.2 & 3.4  Deliverable: Distribution of materials to appropriate audiences, updates to the website.  Schedule: 12 months

10 Education & Outreach  Description:  Conference Attendance – 3-4/year  Business & Community Forums – 4/year geographically distributed  Provide CEUs  Should be videotaped  EQ Business Leaders Awards Program Development  Cost : $10,000  Achieved goals and objectives:  Goal 1 Objective 1.1 Action a  Goal 1 Objective 1.2 Action b  Deliverable: CREW Board Director conference attendance, business leader awards and outreach forums  Schedule: 12 months

11 State/Province & CREW Project Nexus  Description: Work with the PNW states and provinces to support mutually beneficial programs such as Shakeout  Cost : $5,000??  Achieved goals and objectives:  Goal 1  Goal 2  Deliverable: TBD  Schedule: 12 months

12 Sustainable Funding Development  Description: Prepare a resource development plan to be used to identify sustainable funding sources for CREW  Cost = $3000 - $5000  Achieved goals and objectives:  Goal 4 Objective 4.2 Action a  Deliverable: resource development plan  Schedule: 12 months

13 Earthquake Risk Communication  Description: Work with USGS to hold a workshop identifying, and strengthening communication pathways, regional coordination, and risk messaging for earthquakes in PNW  Cost : ???  Achieved goals and objectives:  Goal 1 Objective 1.1  Goal 2, Objective 2.2, Action c  Goal 3, Objective 3.3  Deliverable: workshop & risk messaging tool  Schedule: 6 months

14 Summary of Projects  Cascadia Subduction Zone Printing & Distribution – $4,000  Messaging Plan Outcomes - $18,000  Education & Outreach - $10,000  State/Province & CREW Project Nexus - $5,000  Sustainable Funding Development - $3,000-5,000  Earthquake Risk Communication - TBD  TOTAL COST - $40,000-$42,000

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