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₮Q&A on User Setup … what drives what ₮User link to Employee … PRO.100 vs PRO.101 ₮Automated “Nightly” Jobs.

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Presentation on theme: "₮Q&A on User Setup … what drives what ₮User link to Employee … PRO.100 vs PRO.101 ₮Automated “Nightly” Jobs."— Presentation transcript:

1 ₮Q&A on User Setup … what drives what ₮User link to Employee … PRO.100 vs PRO.101 ₮Automated “Nightly” Jobs

2 ₮ACS.260 WEB Admin Userid Flag ₮Y = admin: can approve leaves, see job postings for their location, can approve invoices and/or purchase order reqs ₮N = mainly clerical … anyone who needs access but not admin level (no approvals) ₮X = userid cannot sign into Admin Connect and userid will not come up in Employee Connect for link to Admin Connect or School Books Connect

3 ₮RES.000 Control Access to Support Employees ₮Definition here activates Employee Tab ₮Controls what locations, positions, job codes & folders user has access to ₮All Employee users need access … a blank location restriction means all locations; no location means no access ₮SUB.000 Control Access to Support Staff Functions ANNUAL ₮Controls what location(s) for sub records you have access to ₮** NOTE You must have a GLB.001 definition to be able to ADD sub records. If user should not have finance access define an XXSUB DOCID and restrict userid to it ₮PAY.ACC Control Access to Employee Records ₮Controls what records in an employee record user has access to. Some access triggers multiple records as indicated

4 ₮GLB.001 Control Access to Document IDs ANNUALish ₮Definition here activates Finance tab AND activates ADD button for Sub Records ₮Controls what document IDs user has access to, POXYY, RQXXX, etc ₮GNL.110 General Ledger Account Restrictions ANNUAL ₮Controls what accounts you have access to ₮All finance users need account restrictions, if they have access to all accounts then they need to be defined with full question marks. ₮GLB.002 Control Access to FMS/WHS/FAS Locations ₮Controls what locations user has access to for permits, fixed asset items and stock requests

5 CIMS Student Users + Field Trip Users ₮STU.110 School and District User Restrictions ₮To have access to the student system (even if you are just doing field trips in CIMS) then users need to be defined in STU.110 with appropriate district and/or school restrictions CIMS Student Users ONLY ₮STU.005 Student Record Access Restrictions ₮Add/Change access to Absences & Grades activates TC from AC button so you can “act like a course/homeroom teacher” ₮STU.007 Control Access to Folder Categories (+Activities) ₮Indicates what folders you have access to and what type of access

6 ₮PRO.100 Admin Connect USERIDs by Position/Location ₮Used to link an employee from Employee Connect to a userid for Admin Connect and potentially School Books Connect ₮Based on F11 Position, Location and Sub-Type combination … if multiple employees have same combination then they will all get access to Admin Connect with that userid’s access ₮PRO.101 Admin Connect USERIDs by Employee ₮Used to link a specific employee to a specific userid for Admin Connect and potentially School Books Connect ₮Used when access is temporary (has an effective date range) OR when PRO.100 will give too many users access and only one needs the access and combination cannot be changed


8 ₮AUT002 Auto Build SUB.001/002 Records from Approved Leaves ₮Reviews all leaves approved that day and builds appropriate absence records in SUB.001 and SUB.002 as applicable. A report is emailed to defined users of records built, warnings and errors. ₮AUT150 Auto Build Download of Email Distribution Lists ₮Builds two CSV files to the IFS ₮File 1 DISTGRPS.CSV is list of all distribution lists and their descriptions as defined in PRO.150 ₮File 2 DISTLIST.CSV is all the employees and their email addresses for each distribution list they are defined for in PRO.150 (based on F11 info) ₮AUT304 Auto Email Job Posting Subscribers ₮Reviews that all internal job posting subscribers still have an active payroll assignment; removes their subscription if they do not ₮Emails all internal and/or external job posting subscribers (people can choose to be on these lists) when appropriate new job postings are made available online

9 ₮AUT316 Auto Email School Contact1 of Unverified Leaves ₮Emails location contact one employees if there are unverified leaves for their location that were requested 3 or more days ago ₮Emails leave “voters” if their unapproved leaves which still require their vote ₮AUT320 Auto Build Nightly Download of Active Workshops ₮Builds WSHOPS.CSV file in the IFS of all active workshops dated today or in the future that have valid time ranges ₮AUT321 Auto Email School Contact1 of Unapp Workshop Apps ₮Emails location contact one employees if there are unapproved workshop applications for workshops that require approval that start on/after today OR which have an application deadline date that is on/after today ₮Auto builds leave requests for workshop applications approved today for workshops that start on/after today and are defined with appropriate leave information ₮AUT325 Auto Email School Contact1 of Inj/Accident to Review ₮Emails Location contact one employees if there are injury/accident records that need to be reviewed

10 ₮AUT331 Auto Build Random EC Passwords for Active Employees ₮Auto builds a random Employee Connect password for employees who do not have one but have an appropriate F11 line that is effective today ₮EMSCLR Clears All Members from specific EMSTRANS Files ₮PAY814 Auto Build/Email Employee Daily Position Changes ₮Auto builds multiple CSV files of employee information based on appropriate, current F11 records ₮File 1 EMPxx.CSV of all new adds, changes and deletions ₮Emails nightly changes report (what is in EMPxx.CSV) to defined users ₮* File 2 POSTTL.CSV position titles (PAI.JOB definitions) ₮* File 3 POSSUP.CSV position hierarchy information, i.e. position X at location Y reports to position A at location B (PRO.200) ₮File 4 STAFF.CSV simple download of all current employees and basic information for SynreVoice and SmarterU ₮* File 5 T4EFULL.CSV full download of current employees, all positions, locations, etc. Custom appends substitute employees working today for active directory access

11 ₮PAY815 Auto Build Basic Active Employee Download ₮Builds EMPDOWN.CSV file to IFS of basic employee information for all active employees based on demographics flag being Y ₮PAY904 Auto Upload Employee Email Address ₮Takes information from PPAY904U.CSV in IFS and updates CIMS with any new and/or changed email addresses ₮Writes the old email address, if changed, to the secondary email address field IF no secondary email address is currently specified ₮Writes to the audit of appropriate email address additions and changes ₮AUT007 Auto Email Evaluator/Location Cont1 Evaluations Due ₮Emails evaluators and location contact 1 employees if there are any evaluations due that have not been received. Only emails regarding evaluation types marked to be emailed.

12 SMS AUT210AUT802BCP802 MIN802 DSP802SCH802SCH804SCH806SCH807STU697 MB Only SYN802 SYN8023 UPL802 SD72Yes N/AYes DELTAYes N/AYes SD83Yes N/AYesYes 2x SD22Yes N/AYes SDMLYes Yes 3x SOSDYes

13 ₮AUT210 Auto Download School Calendar Information ₮Builds a CSV file of school calendar dates and information ₮AUT802 Auto Nightly Job Processes Schools ₮Based on what each school has defined in AUT.101 ₮Manitoba option to run SCH.611 to recalculate master schedule enrollment ₮BC options same as Manitoba (SCH.611) plus additional options to run TRA.201 wide open (no mark updates) to build TRAX records and run TRA.325 to delete dropped courses from TRAX ₮Clears all members from specific SMSTRANS files as they are “public open” ₮BCP802 Auto Process Tag, Attribute and Flag Values BC ONLY ₮Processes only students assigned to a school in district except if specified * ₮Runs BCP.220 Clear/Build Tags based on 1701 enrolled program ₮SD83 AFN tag for 1701 enrolled program 33 ₮SD72 FNS tag for 1701 enrolled program 33

14 ₮BCP802 Auto Process Tag, Attribute and Flag Values BC ONLY (cont.) ₮Runs BCP.230 Clear/Build Tags based on 1701 information ₮SD22 FN tag for Aboriginal Ancestry = Y ₮SD22 IN tag for Funding Code = 14 and does not have EX tag ₮SD22 FNR tag for Funding Code = 20 ₮SD83 NFN tag for Funding Code = 20 ₮Runs BCP.230 Clear/Build Tags based on 1701 information (cont.) ₮SD83 FFN tag for Enrolled program = 33 and Funding Code not = 20 ₮DELTA ISP tag for Funding Code = 14 *unassigned too ₮DELTA APC tag for Career Program code = 42 ₮DELTA ABO tag for Aboriginal Ancestry = Y ₮SD22 Clear/Build Tag SPD with Spec Ed Category value as tag data ₮SD83 Clear/Build Tag *SP with Spec Ed Category value as tag data ₮SD83 Build CLB tag with data “INVESTIGATE” for grades 7-12 students with SpecEd Category A-H and K; does not clear tag first

15 ₮BCP802 Auto Process Tag, Attribute and Flag Values BC ONLY (cont.) ₮Runs TRA.917 Clear/Update Attributes based on 1701 Information ₮SD22 Attribute 5 with IN for Funding Code = 14 ₮DELTA Attribute 11 with N for Funding Code = 14 and Y for all other Funding Code values ₮Updates IEP Flag as Y (school year is July 1-June 30) ₮SD72 if student has an IEP tag that is dated for this school year based on column 2 of the tag ₮SD22 if student’s 1701 SpecEd Category is not blanks ₮DELTA if student has a 1704 inclusion for this school year with the text Individual Education Plan ₮MIN802 Manitoba Update Tags, Attributes and Flag Values ₮S OAKS Update IEP flag if student has an image of category IEP

16 ₮DSP802 Auto Email Discipline Action Profile ₮Emails a discipline profile to the defined users in DSP.002 Action Codes as appropriate for all discipline records with that action code which haven’t already been emailed. ₮SCH802 Auto Build Student Download Files ₮Builds 6 CSV files of student and teacher information to the IFS ₮STUDA.csv student demographics and contact ₮STUDB.csv student schedule, YTD attendance and grades ₮STUDM.csv student medical info, emergency contact info ₮STUDS.csv student name, school and class code ₮TCHA.csv teacher schedule information ₮TCHD.csv teacher demographics ₮SCH804 Auto Upload Student Network Info & Teacher/Stu Email ₮Updates student network userid, password, email address and teacher email address based on PSCH802U.csv file from IFS

17 ₮SCH806 Auto Update/Build Parent Connect Userids ₮Builds PC userids based on PEN/MET number for appropriate grade levels as defined in STU.324 PC, transfers existing records if student moves schools and removes any “invalid” userids ₮SCH807 Auto Build Network Userids/Passwords for Students ₮Builds for all students in school, random password ₮STU697 Auto Build 18+ Tag for Students (Manitoba) ₮Checks for any student who turned 18 that day and adds an 18+ tag to them. This tag disconnects them from their family in PC and marks that parents can’t have access to their information without students’ consent ₮SYN802/SYN8023 Build Synrevoice Attendance/Address Book Files ₮Builds appropriate csv files in the IFS of absences for that day and/or address book information for schools setup in SYN.101 ₮UPL802 Nightly Upload of Student Images/Attachments ₮Uploads student images/attachments to the students’ folders and posts to the image database with appropriate information


19 ₮ACS964 Auto Inactivation of User Passwords (CIMS Core/AC) ₮Automatically inactivates userids/passwords for any userid defined in ACS.264 to be inactivated that day. Great if “substitute” clerical userids are used and given out; userid can be inactivated at the end of their term ₮AUT401 Auto Build Work Order Reqs for Activities **NEW ₮New for activities to build a work order if needed for an activity, i.e. preventative maintenance items ₮AUT420 Auto Email Employees of PO Reqs not “Approved” ₮Emails any employee marked as the approver of a purchase order requisition if they have not approved it yet. This DOES NOT mean purchase order requisitions into purchase orders ₮AUT910 Auto Email School Contact1 of “Unapproved” Bus Requests ₮Email school contact one (based on EIS.127 location definition) if there are field trip/bussing requests that have not been marked READY TO GO=Y

20 ₮AUTFAX Auto Email Specific Finance Contacts Fax*Star Report ₮Custom auto job to email districts on one box their Fax*Star daily log ₮DOCUTECH Upload CSV Files of Copier Charges ₮Uploads appropriate CSV files from IFS and loads copies and charge information into a file. This information can then be reviewed and posted as a journal entry to the G/L.

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