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Monday Lesson Tobacco Use Prevention Education Minnesota Smoking Prevention Program Lessons 1 & 2 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday Lesson Tobacco Use Prevention Education Minnesota Smoking Prevention Program Lessons 1 & 2 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday Lesson Tobacco Use Prevention Education Minnesota Smoking Prevention Program Lessons 1 & 2 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES

2 What are the four ways of using tobacco? Is it legal to use tobacco? WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL? 440,000 Americans die every year because of tobacco use and 40,000 of them never smoked. 440,000 Americans die every year because of tobacco use and 40,000 of them never smoked. That is like three 747 jets crashing every day for a year, killing everyone on board. That is like three 747 jets crashing every day for a year, killing everyone on board. Worldwide 5.4 million deaths are caused by tobacco/year. Worldwide 5.4 million deaths are caused by tobacco/year. Every 6.5 seconds someone in the world dies from a tobacco-related illness or disease. Every 6.5 seconds someone in the world dies from a tobacco-related illness or disease. Smokers die on average 15 years sooner than nonsmokers. Smokers die on average 15 years sooner than nonsmokers.

3 CONSEQUENCES CONSEQUENCES The results or effects of something you do. What are the consequences of – Riding a bike with bad brakes? Studying hard for a test? Eating a lot of junk food?

4 Negative Consequences of Using Tobacco In small groups list as many consequences as you can think of. In small groups list as many consequences as you can think of. Group leaders go to the front of the room to play Last Group Leader Standing. Group leaders go to the front of the room to play Last Group Leader Standing. Take turns sharing facts. Take turns sharing facts. When a group leader repeats a consequence, gives a false consequence, or is out of consequences, the leader sits down. When a group leader repeats a consequence, gives a false consequence, or is out of consequences, the leader sits down.

5 Possible Consequences Addiction, bad breath, cough, emphysema, heart disease, sore throat, stained teeth, tooth decay, dizziness, headaches, stinky hair, early wrinkles, red eyes, yellow fingers, house fires, bronchitis, increase in pulse rate, shortness of breath, burn holes in clothes, $$$, smelly clothes, suspended from school/sports, smelly car & house, high blood pressure, lose the trust of friends & family Addiction, bad breath, cough, emphysema, heart disease, sore throat, stained teeth, tooth decay, dizziness, headaches, stinky hair, early wrinkles, red eyes, yellow fingers, house fires, bronchitis, increase in pulse rate, shortness of breath, burn holes in clothes, $$$, smelly clothes, suspended from school/sports, smelly car & house, high blood pressure, lose the trust of friends & family Cancers of: Bladder, mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, cervix, kidney, lung, pancreas, stomach, gum, and acute myeloid leukemia

6 WHY DISCUSS DISCUSS If there are so many negative consequences of using tobacco, why do people your age start using it?

7 ADDICTION XNicotine X 1 – 20 cigarettes X What Is Tobacco Addiction? When people are addicted, they have a compulsive need to seek out and use a substance, even when they understand the harm it can cause. Tobacco products— cigarettes, cigars or pipes, and smokeless tobacco—all can lead to addiction. Everyone knows that smoking is bad for you, and most people that do it want to quit. In fact, nearly 35 million people make a serious attempt to quit each year. Unfortunately, most who try to quit on their own relapse—often within a week. NIDA for Teens: Facts on Drugs – Tobacco

8 Positive Alternatives In small groups list as many positive alternatives to using tobacco that people our age can do. ( soccer, hiking, beach fun… ) In small groups list as many positive alternatives to using tobacco that people our age can do. ( soccer, hiking, beach fun… ) Group leaders go to the front of the room to play Last Group Leader Standing. Group leaders go to the front of the room to play Last Group Leader Standing.


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12 PREDICTION ACTIVITY Of every 100 students surveyed in 7 th grade throughout Poway Unified School District, how many of these students do you think smoke at least once a day or 20 days/month? Stay tuned for next week’s lesson for the answer.

13 HOMEWORK ADULT INTERVIEW. Ever wonder what it was like to be a young person back in the “old days” before computers and video games? Do you think young people back then had to make decisions about whether to smoke cigarettes or to use smokeless tobacco? Now is your chance to find out. Your assignment is to ask a parent (or grandparent, aunt, uncle, or some other adult you know) the questions on the next slide. Be prepared to share the information next week.

14 Interview Questions Have you ever used tobacco? Have you ever used tobacco? If yes, how old were you when you started; and why did you start? If no, why did you choose not to smoke? For ex smokers, what helped you to quit? What do you think influences young people today to use tobacco?





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