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Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Energy and buildings Henk Visscher – Architecture and the Built Enviuronment - OTB Renewable Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Energy and buildings Henk Visscher – Architecture and the Built Enviuronment - OTB Renewable Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Energy and buildings Henk Visscher – Architecture and the Built Enviuronment - OTB Renewable Energy Systems

2 2 | 17 Content 1.Introduction of Energy Use in Buildings 2.Progress of energy renovations in the Dutch Housing Stock 3.Energy labels versus actual energy use

3 3 | 17 Introduction of Energy use in Buildings

4 4 | 17 Energy per sector in Europe (2002)

5 5 | 17 Energy in buildings is needed for A: Operation of the Building Heating and cooling Hot tap water Cooking Ventilation Lighting Building services as lifts etc. Appliances: Computers, tv’s, fridges, washing machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, ect. B: Construction, Maintenance, Renovation, Demolition Embodied energy Construction process

6 6 | 17 Types of Buildings EU 75% Residential buildings 64% single family houses 36% apartment blocks 25% Non Residential 28% Wholesale and retail 23% Offices 17% Educational 11% Hotels and restaurants 7% Hospitals 4% Sport facilities 11% Other

7 7 | 17 Energy mix in residential buildings by region South Central & East North and West Biomass 27%Biomass 20%Biomass 21% Electricity 18%Electricity 1%Electricity 13% Oil 32%Coal 41%Coal 1% Gas 23%Oil 3%Oil 20% Gas 7%Gas 39% Distric heating 29%RES 6%

8 8 | 17 Main Energy sources / cariers in NL Gas for: heating, hot tap water, cooking District heating (cooling water form industry / electricity plant / waste burning for: heating, hot tap water ect. Electricity for: cooling, ventilation, lighting, appliances etc.

9 9 | 17 Energy and Buildings Other characteristics of the building stock: In Northern and middle Europe: most energy is used for heating Needed heating depends on the size of a building and the heat losses through the envelop The age of the building stock is high A very low adaptation rate Most EU countries: new production is only 1 % of the stock Regulations for insulation: introduced on low level around 1975 In NL energy performance reg’s in 1995 In 2020 in all EU all dwellings nearly zero energy

10 10 | 17 The energy problem, potential, policies and programs In EU 35 – 40 % of energy is used in Buildings Considered to be the sector with the most cost effective energy saving potential EU, national and local policies for reducing energy use Also: Renewable energy generation on and near buildings (PV, hot water, earth heat etc.)

11 11 | 17 Apporoach: trias energetica Priorities: 1.Reduce energy demand (insulation) 1.Improve efficiency of energy use (e.g. high efficiency heating boiler) 2.Replace fossil fuels by renewable energy

12 12 | 17 EU Energy targets and policies Policy documents Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) Energy performance Regulations for new buildings 2020 New: Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Energy Performance Certificates for sold or re- rented buildings Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) 2020: 20% CO 2 red. 20% renw. 2050: energy neutral stock 70% of the housing stock in 2050 already exists Required: 3% renovation per year at a very high level (and savings according the theoretical savings!!)

13 13 | 17 Energy Performance Certificate

14 14 | 17 Progress of Energy Renovations in the Dutch Housing Stock

15 15 | 17 The Dutch Housing Stock 17 million people, 7 million dwellings Tenure shipYear of constructionType of dwelling

16 16 | 17 Energy renovation in social housing sector in the Netherlands: Goal Covenant rental housing sector Housing associations, tenants union, government 2020: average label B Investigation on policy documents in 2013: only 25% of the SHO’s have adopted this goal

17 17 | 17 SHAERE database Set up and owned by Aedes: umbrella organisation of SHO’s in NL => 35% of the stock, 2.3 milj. Dwellings. All data necessary for Energy performance Certificates (EPC’s – Labels) Every year all SHO’s submit the data to Aedes  including all improvements Progress from year to year can be monitored Year of reportingFrequency Percentage of the total SHO stock 2010 113294647.2% 2011 118606749.4% 2012 143870059.9% 2013 144826660.3%

18 18 | 17 Division over label categories from 2010 to 2013

19 19 | 17 Changes in label categories form 2010 to 2013 (n=1,537,554) 2010 ABCDEFG 2013 A 4292567982423206913351326377 B 1645954429413012661742691551 C 397335652651531658931906 D 34232038570143122532 E 180030191634738 F 1065296674 G 45380 Total4292517139344405242266624186815149263158

20 20 | 17 Changes in label categories form 2010 to 2013 (n=1,537,554)

21 21 | 17 Energy labels versus actual energy use

22 22 | 17 Relation between: energy labels (theory) and actual energy use (practice) National energy label data base Actual yearly energy use - bills (CBS) 200.000 cases

23 23 | 17 Results Theory Actual

24 24 | 17 Results G label: 50% less use than expected

25 25 | 17 Results A and B label: 10-20% more use than expected

26 26 | 17 Results Very little actual savings !!

27 27 | 17 Renovation with increased comfort 12 o C 14 o C 20 o C 21 o C 18 o C OLD NEW

28 28 | 17 Conclusions EU-NL High expectations of renovations to reduce heating demand Hugh investments are needed to reach the renovation goals In the SHO stock: only small steps are made, progress to slow When renovating poor performing dwellings to higher levels, a large share of potential savings are used to increase comfort Actual saving potential is lower Payback times do not work!

29 29 | 17 Alternative: Stroomversnelling onconcepten/stroomversnelling

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