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Project Client has a Website. Our DigiVino Dashboard will be iFramed inside of it. DV Dashboard goes here!

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Presentation on theme: "Project Client has a Website. Our DigiVino Dashboard will be iFramed inside of it. DV Dashboard goes here!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Client has a Website. Our DigiVino Dashboard will be iFramed inside of it. DV Dashboard goes here!

2 This style. Different background. White font. Flat design widget style. Helvetica Nueue light font.

3 This background. (font = helvetica nueue)

4 NOTE ABOUT DV LOGO: either background needs black under logo, and white needs to be transparent; or v needs to be white and white parts need to be transparent. DIGI DASH | stats & service to increase online sales TITLE

5 FOOTER ©2014

6 Content by widget box follows. (See corresponding page letter.)

7 A, B, C, D A = change $345 to $3,450, links reads “more info”, which is correct. B = change week to period; link should read “more info” C = change “users” to “prospects”; change “members” at top to “PROSPECTS; link should read “more info” D = change $345 to $7,988; change “new orders received” to “new SEO-motivated sales” ; link should read “more info”; changes “orders” at top to “SEO SALES”

8 E Closed accordion Opened Be sure to provide design for open box too! Closed version titles should read: Biggest Opportunities to Increase Sales SEO – Search engine optimization UX – Online User Experience MARCOM – Smart marketing communications

9 F SEO Profit Margin This example is for data and titles. The design style should be flat design, mostly white with textures to differentiate the red/blue areas rather than color. You may want to make F & G beside each other instead of on top of each other; as they are square rather than horizontally shaped data charts.

10 Online Opportunity G This example is for data and titles. The design style should be flat design, mostly white with textures to differentiate the red/blue/green areas rather than color.

11 H Should read instead: Wins vs. Losses Do your customers come back for more? Club members stay for more than 5 years? Would-be shoppers fail to complete purchases? You could be winning more sales. We’ll show you how!

12 Emails I (ROHAN: here’s an expanded view so you can read copywriting) Right (blue) box should say: Resulting Sales You received $12,838 In sales from your last eblast.

13 J Should look like a different gauge than “H”. Should read: Usability Meter How friendly is your Web site? Can customers make a purchase on it from their smart phone or tablet? Are you leaving money on the virtual counter? You could be making more sales via a better user interface (UI). We’ll show you how!

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