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STELLA PROGRAMME 2012 10th Anniversary Report by Eva Garea Oya Stella Coordinator Universidade de Vigo, Spain.

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Presentation on theme: "STELLA PROGRAMME 2012 10th Anniversary Report by Eva Garea Oya Stella Coordinator Universidade de Vigo, Spain."— Presentation transcript:

1 STELLA PROGRAMME 2012 10th Anniversary Report by Eva Garea Oya Stella Coordinator Universidade de Vigo, Spain

2 STAFF ‘S OPINIONS: ‘ The STELLA programme helped me to improve my professional technical skills ’ Bruno Raimondo, Kore di Enna (Italy) - ‘I’d like to repeat the experience since I think that it is the best way to promote the understanding among universities ’ Vera Redrupova, Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic) - ‘It’s a really enriching experience. Apart from learning how universities of far away countries manage departments similar than yours, the cultural exchange contributes to find new links for collaborations and relationships…I’m very happy to participate in this programme’ Rosa Ana Rojas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Peru). - ‘An excellent way to exchange information and establish new links’ Fredik Carlén, University of Karlstad (Sweden) UNIVERSITIES’ OPINIONS: - ‘These training opportunities help our staff to improve their professional and also personal skills'. University of Malta (Malta) - ‘Number of grants should be even more!’ University of Hamburg (Germany) - ‘STELLA is the best pilot programme that the Erasmus non-academic staff mobility project has ever had’ University of Cadiz (Spain) STELLA PROGRAMME 2012 Report by Eva Garea Oya. Stella Coordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain

3 STELLA PROGRAMME 2012 Report by Eva Garea Oya.Stella Coordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain -BUDGET. As it was announced in the CGU General Council at the University of Minho, in September 2011, the total amount available for the distribution of GCU grants in the current call 2012 was 14,000 € (an increase of 4,000 € in relation to previous editions, as the programme is a priority for the GCU). -This amount was distributed among the CGU outgoing staff. It was agreed to award the same grant to each participant: 1,000€ for each mobility (14 GCU grants in total). As usual, the money was transferred to home universities at the end of the present call and only upon reception of the required final reports. New in 2012:

4 STELLA PROGRAMME 2012 Report by Eva Garea Oya.Stella Coordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain - NEW PARTICIPANTS AND GUIDELINES FOR 2012. The programme was open to the participation of the network of universities member of the CGU (FAUBAI and CONAHEC). In this edition only CONAHEC participated offering places.. Same guidelines as in previous years, except that all participants included CONAHEC had to send the final reports to the GCU secretariat in order to assess the programme’s results.. Therefore, two CONAHEC universities participated in 2012: Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública de México and Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila (México).. According to the rules of the programme, the outgoing staff of these universities received funding through CONAHEC. New in 2012:

5 STELLA PROGRAMME 2012 Report by Eva Garea Oya.Stella Coordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain SELECTION CRITERIA We enlarged and adapted the selection criteria to the needs of the programme: -Trying to maintain a balance between intercontinental mobilities within the GCU (considering the high number of Spanish and Latin American Universities participating in the programme). -Trying to maintain a balance between new universities participating in the programme, even for the first time, and those with a longer tradition exchanging staff with Stella. New in 2012:

6 STELLA PROGRAMME 2012 Report by Eva Garea Oya.Stella Coordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain SUMMARY OF MOBILITIES The FIGURES at call 2012 are the following : -Participating universities: 40 (32 for the Intercontinental mobility and 8 for European mobility) -Total of offers: 81 (15 offers from American universities and 66 from European universities) -Total of applicants: 47 (40 candidates + 7 substitutes), from which 12 are from American universities and 35 are from European universities. -A total of 18 mobilities: -participants belonging to the CGU: 14 places selected and granted with a CGU grant (1.000 € for each participant). -participants belonging to CONAHEC: 4 places selected and funded as CONAHEC agreed internally.

7 STELLA PROGRAMME 2012 Report by Eva Garea Oya.Stella Coordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain SUMMARY OF MOBILITIES MOBILITIES (Chart): OFFER OF DEPARTEMENTS: - Published in the GCU web page:

8 STELLA PROGRAMME 2012 Report by Eva Garea Oya.Stella Coordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain SUMMARY OF MOBILITIES Criteria to match offers & applicants followed by the Steering Group (in order to get a balanced mobility): 1) To give priority to the preference of the coordinator. 2) To give priority to the preference of the candidate. 3) To maintain an equivalence between home and host department. 4) To keep a balance between European and American mobility. 5) To keep a balance between EU and Spanish candidates going to America. 6) To keep a balance between candidates sent and received at the same institution. 7) To give priority to those universities participating for the first time. 8) To give priority to those universities receiving candidates not only under the Erasmus Programme. 9) To give a proportional distribution of grants. Criteria fixed for future editions.

9 STELLA PROGRAMME 2012 Report by Eva Garea Oya.Stella Coordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain Conahec’s institutions -Send 2- receive 1 -Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública de México -Send 2- receives 0 -Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila CGU institutions: Send 1-receive 1: -Jaume I University, Castelló -University of Lleida -University of Oviedo -Universidad Politécnica de Madrid -University of Zaragoza -Send 2-receive 1: -Universidad de Guadalajara -Universidad de Monterrey -Pontificia Univ. Católica del Perú -Send 0- receive 4 -The University of Arizona/CONAHEC -Send 0- receive 1 -University of Girona -University of Massachusetts -UNINETTUNO -University of Santiago de Compostela -University of Oulu -Send 1- receive 0 -Int. School of Law and Business -Regensburg University -UNESP BALANCE OF MOBILITY

10 STELLA PROGRAMME 2012 Report by Eva Garea Oya.Stella Coordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain Participation of the CGU in the EAIE 2013: Workshop on STELLA As required by the members of the CGU executive committee, and with the support of Eva Garea, coordinator of the STELLA programme, the CGU Secretariat submitted in December a proposal to hold a workshop in the framework of the EAIE conference (Dublin, Ireland, September 2012). We will send the proposal again for 2013. The workshop will be focused on ‘STELLA Best Practices for mobility: How to implement an administrative staff mobility Programme’. The aim of the CGU is to show how to create and manage an international mobility program for academic staff between universities and networks, taking as reference the 10 years wide experience coordinating the intercontinental STELLA Staff Mobility Programme.

11 STELLA PROGRAMME 2013 Report by Eva Garea Oya.Stella Coordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain Stella’s new edition 2013 will be launched during the last week of September. Universities have to send their offer forms and letters of endorsement by 30th October. First week of November all the offers will be available in the CGU website. Staff applications can be sent till the 15th January.

12 Report by Eva Garea Oya. Stella Coordinator. Universidade de Vigo, Spain

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