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1 Erasmus+ (2014 – 2020) The International Dimension - Support to Modernisation and Internationalisation Fourth Bologna Policy Forum Yerevan, Armenia,

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1 1 Erasmus+ (2014 – 2020) The International Dimension - Support to Modernisation and Internationalisation Fourth Bologna Policy Forum Yerevan, Armenia, 14-15 May 2015

2 Date: in 12 pts Erasmus+ Policy Context (I) European agenda for modernisation of higher education  Contribution of higher education to growth  More graduates, better equipped and more employable  Better governance and more efficient funding

3 Date: in 12 pts Erasmus+ Policy Context (II) The internationalisation agenda  Improve quality and attractiveness  Mobility is a must: needs quality framework, recognition tools, supportive visa procedures  Mobility is not enough: need for a holistic approach  Strategies to develop international partnerships, joint degrees, digital learning, "internationalisation at home"

4 Date: in 12 pts Erasmus+ EU - International ERASMUS+ Erasmus Grundtvig Leonardo Comenius Youth in Action Erasmus Mundus Tempus Alfa Edulink 2007-2013 2014-2020 1 Learning Mobility 2 Co-operation 3 Policy support Jean Monnet Sport EU - EU

5 Date: in 12 pts Erasmus+ ACHIEVEMENTS OF PREVIOUS PROGRAMMES At individual level: Academic staff took advantage of professional development opportunities & peer-to-peer contacts Administrative staff benefitted from training Students appreciated mobility opportunities and developed valuable skills for employability

6 Date: in 12 pts Erasmus+ ACHIEVEMENTS OF PREVIOUS PROGRAMMES At institutional level: Quality improved and development of curricula Necessary equipment provided for communications and laboratories University governance and management reformed Links between HE institutions and the labour market fostered. Cross-departmental/faculty working on projects helped break down barriers Internationalisation of institutions and strategies International recognition through mobility mechanisms

7 Date: in 12 pts Erasmus+ ACHIEVEMENTS OF PREVIOUS PROGRAMMES At national/systemic level: Better links between higher education and society Higher education policies and legal frameworks developed Convergence of higher education systems and policies with EU ones Regional cooperation promoted

8 Date: in 12 pts Erasmus+ International Co-operation between Programme Countries & Partner Countries Programme CountriesPartner Countries EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom Other programme countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Western Balkans Eastern Partnership Countries Southern Mediterranean Countries Russian Federation Asia Central Asia Latin America ACP – Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Gulf Cooperation Countries Other Industrialised Countries

9 Date: in 12 pts Erasmus+ Erasmus+ International Actions (I) Degree mobility: excellence, attractiveness of European HE, support to Joint Master Degrees, high level scholarships to attract talent. Capacity building: support partner countries in modernising and reforming their HE systems and institutions. Funding of Joint Projects and Structural Projects.

10 Date: in 12 pts Erasmus+ Erasmus+ International Actions (II) Credit mobility: student and staff mobility, Erasmus-type, incoming and outgoing mobility. Jean Monnet: promoting excellence in teaching and research in EU studies. Support to courses, research, conferences, networking activities, and publications.

11 Date: in 12 pts Erasmus+ Erasmus+ International Dimension 135,000 student & staff exchanges with Partner countries over 7 years Joint Master Degrees: 25,000 students 1,000 Capacity Building Projects with 150 Partner countries

12 Date: in 12 pts Erasmus+ Management Centralised management through Executive Agency in Brussels – degree mobility, capacity-building and Jean Monnet Decentralised management through National Agencies set up in programme countries – credit mobility

13 Date: in 12 pts Erasmus+ Who can apply Joint Masters & Credit mobility: Only HEIs in Programme countries. Capacity building & Jean Monnet Both Programme and Partner countries.

14 Date: in 12 pts Erasmus+ Useful Information E+ international dimension mobility_en.htm National Agencies National Erasmus+ Offices (enlargement/neighbourhood)

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