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GEO/ENV 315/GEO 514 Hydrogeology Class meets: Time: Mondays: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm. Location: ESS 183 Office Hours: Wednesdays and Fridays 3:00 – 4:00 pm ESS.

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Presentation on theme: "GEO/ENV 315/GEO 514 Hydrogeology Class meets: Time: Mondays: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm. Location: ESS 183 Office Hours: Wednesdays and Fridays 3:00 – 4:00 pm ESS."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEO/ENV 315/GEO 514 Hydrogeology Class meets: Time: Mondays: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm. Location: ESS 183 Office Hours: Wednesdays and Fridays 3:00 – 4:00 pm ESS 230 Required textbook: Applied Hydrogeology (4 th edition), C. W. Fetter Prentice Hall

2 GEO/ENV 315/GEO 514 Hydrogeology Instructor: Lianxing Wen email: office: ESS 230 phone: 632-1726 fax: 632-8240

3 Requirements and Grading Geo/Env 315: attend lectures; 5 problem sets (60%), 2 examinations (20% each). Geo 514: all above (80%) + a term paper (20%)

4 Class website Class website:


6 Water Budget Saline water Land Area -- Ice caps and glaciers -- Ground water -- Soil Moisture -- Fresh water lakes -- Rivers -- Saline lakes

7 Water Budget Saline water 97.2% Land Area 2.8% -- Ice caps and glaciers 2.14% -- Ground water 0.61% -- Soil Moisture 0.005% -- Fresh water lakes 0.009% -- Rivers 0.0001% -- Saline lakes 0.008%


9 Water Budget (Cont.) Atmosphere 0.001% Atmosphere circulates rapidly -- 30 in. on Conterminous U.S. -- 22 in. are returned via evaporation and transpiration. -- 8 in. flows into oceans as rivers.

10 Hydrologic Equation Inflow = outflow +/- Changes in storage Equation is simple statement of mass conservation

11 Hydrologic inputs into area Precipitation Surface water inflow (streamflow + overland flow) Ground water inflow from outside area Artificial import (pipes + canals)

12 Hydrologic outputs into area Evapotranspiration from land areas Evaporation from surface water Runoff of surface water Groundwater outflow Artificial export of water through pipes and canals

13 Changes in storage Changes in volume of: -- surface water in streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds. -- soil moisture in vadose zone -- ice and snow at surface -- temperature depression storage -- water on plant surfaces -- ground water below water table

14 Mono Lake Inputs: precipitation; streams; ground water. Outputs: evaporation; artificial streams.



17 Hydrologic Cycle (Precipitation Pathways) Depression Storage - ice, snow, puddles. Overland flow Infiltration -- Vadose zone – (soil moisture), interflow -- Gravity drainage -- Zone of saturation – (ground water) Baseflow-ground-water contribution

18 Hydrologic Cycle (Precipitation Pathways – cont.) Baseflow – groundwater contribution to stream Subsea outflow Runoff – total flow in a stream Magmatic water




22 Energy Transformation 1 Caloria of heat = energy necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of pure water from 14.5 – 15.5 o C Latent Heat of vaporization Hv = 597.3 – 0.564T (Cal./g) Latent Heat of condensation

23 Energy Transformation, Cont. Latent heat of fusion – Hf – 1 g of ice at 0 o C => ~80 cal of heat must be added to melt ice. Resulting water has same temperature. Sublimation Water passes directly from a solid state to a vapor state. Energy = Hf + Hv => 677 cal/g at 0 o C. Hv > 6Hf > 5 x amt. to warm water from 0 o C -> 100 o C


25 Aquifer Properties: Porosity, specific yield, specific retention. Potential: Transmissivity, storativity. Types: confined, unconfined. Hydraulic conductivity, Physical Laws controlling water transport.





30 Ground-water flow to wells Extract water Remove contaminated water Lower water table for constructions Relieve pressures under dams Injections – recharges Control slat-water intrusion





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