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Water Cycle Water Budget

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1 Water Cycle Water Budget
Chapter 9 - Water Water Cycle Water Budget

2 The World’s Water Oceans, lakes, rivers, groundwater, atmosphere, living things, glaciers, and more… Water is measured by volume. “How much space it takes up.” 97 % is in the oceans

3 The World’s Water Less than 3% is fresh!!! 2/3 is frozen in ice caps
Rest is fresh (usable) water Works out to be less than 1/2 of 1%

4 OCEANS 97.2% ICE CAPS 2% LAKES 0.013% SOIL 0.006% ATMOSPHERE 0.0007%

5 Where is the fresh water?
Tiny part is flowing on the surface of Earth (rivers, streams) 100 times that is stored in lakes, swamps, etc. 50 times that is stored in the ground as groundwater.


7 Water Cycle Again like all matter, water is recycled.
Simple water cycle (Magnificent 7): Evaporation-liquid to gas Transpiration-liquid to gas in plants Sublimation-solid to gas

8 Water Cycle Condensation–Gas to liquid-clouds
Precipitation-gas to liquid/solid Runoff-running water on surface Groundwater-soil moisture, water underground








16 Water Budget Compares the input (water you get) and output (water you use) of water in a specific region.

17 Water Budget Controlled by many different climate factors
Air temperature Humidity (Season Extremes) Rainfall amount Soil Type

18 A water budget has 4 parts: usage, recharge, surplus, and deficit
Water Budget Graphs A comparison between Moisture supply (precip) and Moisture demand (evap) A water budget has 4 parts: usage, recharge, surplus, and deficit

19 Water Budget Graphs Usage – When plants, humans, sun is taking water out of the system. Recharge - When the ground water is being filled back up

20 Water Budget Graphs Surplus - Rainfall is greater than the need. Soil is moist. Deficit - Need for moisture is greater than the rainfall coming into the system. Soil is dry


22 Rocks Holding Water?? Porosity – Volume of space in between rocks/soil that can hold water Permeability – The rate at which water can pass through the pore spaces of rock/soil

23 Rocks Holding Water??

24 Rocks Holding Water?? Impermeable – Water cannot pass through the pore space. Capillary – Ability of water to “stick” to its surroundings by its surface tension

25 Rocks Holding Water??

26 Water Table

27 Water Table Ground becomes saturated with water. This is the ground water that we have been talking about. Water Table – The top portion of the “zone of groundwater saturation”

28 Water Table Zone of Aeration – Water and air mixed with the rocks and soil Capillary fringe – Border between air/water and just water. Right above the water table (pg. 154) Zone of Saturation – Just water in the soil and no air

29 Wells and Springs Ordinary well - A hole dug or drilled down below the water table. ( water must be pumped out) Spring - Place where the water table is at the surface. Artesian well - A well that is pressurized. (water will not have to be pumped out)




33 Link to Page About Water Resources
Aquifers Are permeable materials that contain and carry groundwater Best are - Sand, gravel, and porous sandstone Link to Page About Water Resources







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