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Hwa Chong Institution. HCI Science Block HCI Science Labs.

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Presentation on theme: "Hwa Chong Institution. HCI Science Block HCI Science Labs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hwa Chong Institution

2 HCI Science Block

3 HCI Science Labs


5 School Science Laboratory Safety regulations

6 Important Notice to Pupils  Pupils must not enter the laboratory unless a teacher is present.

7 Important Notice to Pupils Wait outside the laboratory quietly until your teacher allows you to go in. Wait outside the laboratory quietly until your teacher allows you to go in.

8 Important Notice to Pupils If teachers are not present please contact Lab Staff at 6467 3005 for any enquiries. If teachers are not present please contact Lab Staff at 6467 3005 for any enquiries.

9 Important Notice to Pupils Put your bags on the shelf provided before practical lessons.

10 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PUPILS Apparatus or chemicals are to be used only in the laboratory and must not be removed from the laboratory without the permission of a teacher. Apparatus or chemicals are to be used only in the laboratory and must not be removed from the laboratory without the permission of a teacher.

11 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PUPILS Laboratory materials and equipment must be used only for purposes instructed and approved by the teacher-in charge. You are not allowed to go beyond the instructions of the teacher in any experiment. Laboratory materials and equipment must be used only for purposes instructed and approved by the teacher-in charge. You are not allowed to go beyond the instructions of the teacher in any experiment.

12 Important Notice to Pupils All apparatus must be carefully examined before use. If you receive dirty or broken apparatus, report it to the teacher at once. All apparatus must be carefully examined before use. If you receive dirty or broken apparatus, report it to the teacher at once.

13 Important Notice to Pupils Nothing should be tasted without the instructions of the teacher. Nothing should be tasted without the instructions of the teacher.

14 Important Notice to Pupils Anything accidentally taken into the mouth must be spat out at once and the mouth rinsed with plenty of water. Anything accidentally taken into the mouth must be spat out at once and the mouth rinsed with plenty of water.

15 Important Notice to Pupils Breakages and accidents, however slight, must be reported at once to the teacher. Breakages and accidents, however slight, must be reported at once to the teacher.

16 Important Notice to Pupils You should wear safety goggles for all practical work involving chemicals and heat. You should wear safety goggles for all practical work involving chemicals and heat.

17 Chemical Spill 1) Warn laboratory users. 2) Contain / cover spill with paper towels. 3) Open windows to ventilate. 4) Alert teacher / lab staffs.

18 Biological Spills 1) Warn laboratory users 2) Cover spill with paper towels. 3) Pour Disinfectant over spill. 4) Alert teachers / lab staffs

19 Major Injury 1) Give first aid at once. 2) Call ambulance --- 995 3) Alert the school Office. Minor Injury 1) Give first aid. 2) Alert the school office.

20 Possible Accidents in the lab 1) Minor Injury – Cuts and Burns. 2) Chemical spillage into eyes. 3) Fire.

21 Minor Injury – Cuts and Burns First Aid Box near the white board.

22 Chemical spillage into eyes. (Shower & Eye washer). Any spillage of chemicals on the skin or clothing must be washed at once with much water. Any spillage of chemicals on the skin or clothing must be washed at once with much water.


24 Fire (Fire extinguisher) Located near the white board and at the back of the lab.

25 To operate Fire Extinguisher Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher that keeps the handle from being accidentally pressed.

26 To operate Fire Exinguisher Aim the nozzle toward the base of the fire. Stand about 3 m from the fire.

27 To operate Fire Exinguisher Squeeze the handle to discharge the extinguisher. If you release the handle, the discharge will stop.

28 To operate Fire Exinguisher Sweep the nozzle back and forth at the base of the fire. After the fire appears to be out, watch it carefully since it may re-ignite!

29 Fire Blanket Located near the front door. To use 1) Pull tapes. 2) Hold blanket in shield position. 3) Place gently over fire to cover burning material completely. 4) Leaved covered until cool.

30 Other Precautions Use plastic cup (with handles) to collect hot water.

31 Handling Hazardous chemicals For all practical work involving hazardous chemicals must be done in the fume cupboard. Wear goggles and use test tube holders.

32 Precaution on Heating 1) Do not face the test- tube towards yourself or others. 2) Goggles must be worn at all times. 3) Never heat flammable substances. 4) Never leave a flame unattended.

33 Handling animal work 1) Wear gloves when doing animal work. 2) Handle the sharp dissection tools with care. 3) After dissection of animals, autoclave the carcasses before disposing.

34 Electricity Safety 1) Switches or electrical cables must never be handled with wet hands. 2) Do not use any electrical appliance with exposed wires, report to teachers immediately.

35 To Evacuate 1) In the emergency of chemical spills (eg. Conc.HCl, Conc. sulfuric acid, bromine water). 2) Gas leakage. 3) When the fire alarm goes off.

36 To Evacuate 1) Report to teachers and lab staffs immediately. 2) Evacuate the lab from the front doors down to the nearest staircase to assemble at the terraces.

37 EMERGENCY CONTACT NO FIRE/AMBULANCE…….995 FIRE/AMBULANCE…….995 POLICE………………….. 999 POLICE………………….. 999 SCHOOL OFFICE…..64665912 / 64683955 SCHOOL OFFICE…..64665912 / 64683955 Non-Emergency Ambulance Service… Non-Emergency Ambulance Service…1777

38 References afety/extinguisher.htm afety/extinguisher.htm

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