Lecture 19 Earthquakes. Lecture Outline IDefinitions IIProperties A)Focus and Epicenter B)Seismic Waves i.Body Waves ii.Surface Waves C)Strength i.Intensity.

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1 Lecture 19 Earthquakes

2 Lecture Outline IDefinitions IIProperties A)Focus and Epicenter B)Seismic Waves i.Body Waves ii.Surface Waves C)Strength i.Intensity ii.Magnitude IIIEffects IVPlate Tectonics and Earthquakes A)Plate Boundaries i.Divergent ii.Convergent iii.Transform B)Subduction Angle VConclusions Lecture 19 i

3 Definitions earthquake - the vibration felt when energy is released fault - fracture or fracture zone along which there has fault line - the intersection of a fault with the surface of the abruptly by the sudden displacement of rock along faults within the Earth's crust been displacement of the sides relative to one another Earth, or the trace of a fault on a surface of reference

4 Tectonic Deformation Elastic Rebound

5 Tectonic Deformation Elastic Rebound

6 Properties Focus Epicenter Seismic Waves Stength

7 Seismic Waves Body Waves Surface Waves P (primary) Waves S (secondary) Waves Love Waves Rayleigh Waves

8 Seismic Waves Body Waves P (Primary)Waves S (Secondary)Waves

9 Seismic Waves Body Waves - Refraction

10 Seismic Waves Body Waves - Pathways

11 Seismic Waves Surface Waves Rayleigh Waves Love Waves

12 Detecting Seismic Waves




16 Finding Epicenter

17 Detecting Seismic Waves

18 First Motion Analysis

19 Detecting Seismic Waves First Motion Analysis - Strike Slip Faults

20 Seismic Strength Mercalli Intensity Scale Richter Scale (Magnitude) Moment Magnitude

21 Seismic Strength Intensity Measure of severity of ground shaking Decreases with distance from focus Shallow focus ( deep focus (>100km) Greater on unconsolidated sediment than on bedrock

22 Seismic Strength Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale 1811 New Madrid Earthquake 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

23 Seismic Strength Richter Magnitude Scale

24 Seismic Strength Richter Magnitude Scale

25 Seismic Strength Moment Magnitude

26 Effects Ground Motion Fire Landslides Liquefaction Permanent Displacement of Land Surface Tsunami

27 Earthquake Damage Taiwan, 1999 Kobe, 1995 Nigata, 1964 Gujarat, 2001 Loa Prieta, 1989 San Fernando, 1971

28 Earthquake Damage Ground Motion and Rock Type

29 Earthquake Damage Ground Motion and Rock Type Mexico City, 1985

30 Landslides Guatemala, 1974 Alaska, 1964

31 Liquefaction Collapse of beach road Sand blow at Oakland International Airport Liquefaction 1989 -Loma Prieta quake

32 Tsunamis caused by: earthquakes undersea landslides icebergs falling from glaciers undersea volcanic eruptions asteroid impacts

33 Tsunamis



36 Detecting Tsunamis Deep Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART)

37 Tsunami Danger Atlantic Coast of North America

38 Plate Tectonics

39 Tectonic Setting of Earthquakes


41 Benioff Zone

42 Earthquake Prediction




46 Seismic Gaps

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