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A Simple & Effective Goal Framework Introduction Idealize Visualize Materialize.

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Presentation on theme: "A Simple & Effective Goal Framework Introduction Idealize Visualize Materialize."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Simple & Effective Goal Framework Introduction Idealize Visualize Materialize

2 Why A Framework? At skeleton level we are all the same, a framework of bones. Only an expert can tell whether a skeleton is male or female. We are all the same … but, at another, level we are all unique

3 You are unique! You are not a clone! All human but each unique. DreamCatcher is the framework for your unique dreams. Similar in Structure Unique in Design Flexible, Adaptable, Inspiring

4 Three Simple Stages  Idealize  Visualize  Materialize

5 Idealize To idealise is to expand possibility. All achievement starts in the mind, the extent determined only by what we can conceive and believe.  Research  Ideas  Desire

6 Visualize To visualise is to turn an idea into a focused goal, the virtual reality of whatever you want. Imagine!  What?  Why?  When?  Who?  How?

7 Materialize To transform ideas into reality means being prepared to do what it takes to get the job done, on time and in the right way.  Commit  Act  Resolve

8 A Key Difference The distinction DreamCatcher makes between Idealize and Visualize is unique.  To idealize is to dream  To Visualize is to create the virtual reality A small distinction that can make all the difference! If ‘visualizing has been a challenge, then this is your solution!

9 A Simple Example My Dream House  Idealizing is the dream house in my mind  Visualizing is the architect’s drawing  Materializing is building the actual house Simple and effective. Try it yourself!

10 Tools for Resilience

11 Tools for Mental Resilience Goal’s folder WWW Goals & Journal Rocket Science Saving (RSS) Plan Mini-gym for the mind. Focus on what I want. Pattern Interrupt Awareness Cellphone alarm Thoughts Feeling Action

12 Tools for Emotional Resilience Positivity Ratio 3-to-1 Negativity bias Positivity offset Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) Meditation Breathing, Compassion & Analytical Forgiveness

13 Faith Trumps Facts


15 Two Important Faith Questions


17 Resilience is a Daily Choice. Make up your mind – KISS Get on with it – Take action DAILY Stick to the Gameplan

18 Resilience is a Daily Choice.

19 Get it now, it’s free! MagicLifestyle

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