Alpha Sigma Chapter cordially invites you to the Pi Tau Sigma National Convention.

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2 Alpha Sigma Chapter cordially invites you to the Pi Tau Sigma National Convention

3 Why Attend the Convention? Networking with top ME students from across the nation Numerous presentations Speeches based on convention theme Previous Themes: Thinking Green, Ethics, Efficiency Advertising Banners, T-shirts, Handouts, Fliers, Website Recruitment Two hour career fair

4 Who is Pi Tau Sigma? The International Mechanical Engineering Honor Society Member of the Association of College Honor Societies. With 142 chapters installed, there are chapters at universities in almost every state of the United States. Illinois Tech, MIT, Cornell, Purdue, U of I, Virginia Tech

5 UIC’s Alpha Sigma Chapter Chartered in 1999 28 Full time Student Members Junior and Seniors members only Top 35% of the college

6 What is the National Convention? Three day gathering of all chapters from across the country. Events include: Tour of University Facilities Presentations by sponsors and members Social and Professional Events

7 Benefits of Convention The top Mechanical Engineering students, from across the nation, will be in one location. Extensive advertisement Banners Handouts Clothing Logos Opportunity to speak Presentation to all attendees during a meal Tailored to Convention’s Theme Career Fair One on one time with the attendees Members looking for internship and entry level positions

8 Events Friday through Sunday

9 Friday Registration (3pm – 7pm) Tour of Facilities Dinner (Sponsored) First Speaker Plenary Session I Breakout Session Nightly Events (Sponsored)

10 Saturday Breakfast (Sponsored) Plenary Sessions II & III Lunch (Sponsored) Second Speaker Group photo Panel Discussion (Sponsored) Career Fair (Sponsored) Dinner (Sponsored) Nightly Social Events (Sponsored)

11 Sunday Breakfast (Sponsored) Plenary Session IV Closing Speeches

12 Breakdown of our budget

13 Facilities Hotel Rooms $ Conference Rooms $ Audio/Video Equipment $ Meals and Catering $

14 Transportation CTA transit cards$ Shuttle Buses$ Parking Facility$

15 Potential Social Events Sears Tower$ Blue Man Group$2900 Second City$1350 Hancock Tour$ 750 Open Bar$3000

16 Final Budget Total Estimated Cost: $ Excess Funds? Portion will be donated to national Pi Tau Sigma Lower cost of registration to increase participation Donations to charity

17 Where do you fit in?

18 Silver Tier Logo will be present on shirt and main documentation which is provided to all members of the convention Silver tier benefits are provided to all sponsors donating $500+

19 Gold Tier Link on Pi Tau Sigma convention website for each company. Participation in career fair. Larger logo on shirt, main documents, as well as a banner present on location Can host standard events Gold Tier benefits are provided to all sponsors donating $1000+

20 Standard Events Plenary Sessions Breakfasts Facility Tours

21 Platinum Tier Opportunity to provide a presentation about their company to all members at a meal. Sponsorship of an elite event Platinum Tier benefits are provided to all sponsors donating $5000+

22 Elite Events Friday Dinner Awards Ceremony Scholarships School Chants Saturday Night Socials Highest Expected Turnouts Open Bar group, Blue Man Group, Sears Tower Tour, Second City Career Fair Saturday Dinner Final Major Meal Followed by Saturday Night Social Saturday Lunch On Campus Attended by all prestigious professors Followed by Career Fair

23 Conclusion Promote UIC and Pi Tau Sigma Expose members to diverse industries Introduce companies to the top Mechanical Engineering students Create a unique and memorable event for everyone

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