SMARTworks ® EffectiveResponse Training: Clinical Staff – Care Providers National Park Medical Center November 20, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "SMARTworks ® EffectiveResponse Training: Clinical Staff – Care Providers National Park Medical Center November 20, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMARTworks ® EffectiveResponse Training: Clinical Staff – Care Providers National Park Medical Center November 20, 2014

2 Training:Clinical Staff – Care Providers Objectives of the patient follow-up program Overview of how SMARTworks ® EffectiveResponse works Script/conversation to have with patients Frequently Asked Questions Review of the Patient Survey – the experience that patients will have with SMARTworks ® EffectiveResponse Questions Agenda 2

3 Training: Patient Registration Improve patient satisfaction with care Enhance patient well-being −Detect failure to improve −Address any questions or aftercare problems Catching patients who we are not reaching today Provide organizational feedback Objectives – Why This Program is Being Rolled Out 3

4 EffectiveResponse Overview 4 Generates Monthly Feedback Reports SMARTworks ® EffectiveResponse Daily Data Upload from Meditech EHR Nurse Manager Addresses Any Reported Patient Concerns First Layer Text/Email Contact with Patient Second Layer Call Center Contact with Patient

5 Clinical Staff “Script” It is our practice to try and check up on our patients the day after we send them home from the ER Tomorrow you may receive a text or email that contains a link to a brief, 5-question survey to find out how you are doing and what you thought of the ER experience at NPMC If we don’t hear from you, someone from NPMC may give you a very quick call DO NOT set expectations for any follow-up resulting from any answers to text, email or phone calls Patient Conversation 5

6 Clinical Staff - Discussion Is the medical staff and the nursing staff going to be rated by patients? −Yes. Unlike HCAHPS, EffectiveResponse will attempt to survey 100% of the patients (And being a short survey, it won’t just be the “grumpy” folks who complete them!) What are the typical ratings by patients? −The overwhelming majority of ratings and comments are glowingly positive. FAQs 6

7 Clinical Staff - Discussion Does NPMC know if surveys have been completed by behavioral-health patients or by drug-seeking patients? −Yes. Those responses will be treated accordingly. Can this survey be a substitute for a more in-depth follow-up for a particular patient? −No. If detailed provider-to-patient follow-up is indicated as part of a patient’s care plan, the EffectiveResponse survey should not substitute for that care. FAQs 7

8 Patient Survey (This How Patients Are Contacted the Day After Discharge)

9 Patient Survey 9 Patient receives a text or email message inviting them to click on a secure link

10 Patient Survey 10 The first screen is a click-thru acknowledge ment that the survey is not a substitute for care.

11 Patient Survey 11 Question #1 checks on the patient’s well-being. (We hope to learn that the patient feels the same or better.)

12 Patient Survey 12 If the patient reports feeling worse they receive a “pop- up” instruction to contact their doctor or return to the ER.

13 Patient Survey 13 Patient can add comments as appropriate.

14 Patient Survey 14 Question #2 is a general question to check the patient’s understanding of discharge instructions, home care, medications and follow-up appointments. (We hope to hear that the patient has no questions.)

15 Patient Survey 15 If the patient reports having a question, they receive a “pop-up” instruction to call their doctor for answers.

16 Patient Survey 16 Patient can add comments as appropriate.

17 Patient Survey 17 Question #3 asks the patient to rate the nursing staff.

18 Patient Survey 18 Question #4 asks the patient to rate the medical staff.

19 Patient Survey 19 Question #5 asks the patient to share anything else about their experience.

20 Patient Survey 20 If the patient leaves a comment, it is noted that the comment will receive attention.

21 Patient Survey 21 Patient can add comments as appropriate.

22 Patient Survey 22 The final screen provides a link to National Park Medical Center’s portal – My Health Record.

23 Patient Survey 23 With a single click, the patient is with the log-in screen of My Health Record. (Note that the patient can click on the “Register” tab if they have not been issued a User ID or Password).

24 Questions?

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