CLASS OF 2019WELCOME! University Culture Less structured environment Greater freedom Larger population Challenges Being on your own Learning how things.

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3 University Culture Less structured environment Greater freedom Larger population Challenges Being on your own Learning how things work Discovering what you want

4 Large, urban research university 32,000+ students Downtown Atlanta Open campus environment Campus diversity Student Involvement Opportunities to meet people Clubs and organizations Internships and professional opportunities

5 BACHELOR’S DEGREE 120 Credit Hours 42 Credit Hours Core Curriculum Area A-E 18 Credit Hours Pre-requisites for Major Area F 60 Credit Hours Major Courses Area G and on

6 Fall 15 Hours Fall 12 Hours Spring 15 Hours Spring 12 Hours Summer 6 Hours Option A Option B THE 4-YEAR PLAN Opportunities for Study Abroad, Internships, and Core Classes!

7 SAMPLE SCHEDULE GSU 1010 (1)– GSU 1010 (1)– GPA and HOPE GPA ENGL 1101 (3)– ENGL 1101 (3)– Area A SPCH 1000 (2)– SPCH 1000 (2)– Area B Phil 2010(3)– Phil 2010(3)– Area C HIST 2110 (3)– HIST 2110 (3)– Area E1 PSYC 1101 (3)– PSYC 1101 (3)– Area E3 Certain classes may be replaced based on credits if you have successfully completed AP Exams, Joint Enrollment, and/or CLEP Exams. Please inform your academic advisor if you are expecting any course credits.

8 FRESHMAN LEARNING COMMUNITIES Cohorts of 25 first-year students registered for common courses Major-based curriculum Core curriculum courses GSU 1010 Academic support and success skills University resources Introduction to major Peer Mentor

9 WHY LEARNING COMMUNITIES? Transition more easily between high school and college life Perform better academically and earn better grades Form friendships and study groups with fellow students early on Know more about the vital resources and services offered by key offices Find an immediate sense of place within the university

10 SUCCESS PROGRAMS Academic Coaching Early Alert First-Year Book Program Gen1 (first-generation students) Scholarship Resource Center Success Workshops Supplemental Instruction Latino Student Services and Outreach

11 UNIVERSITY ADVISEMENT CENTER 25 Park Place Suite 1400 404/413-2300 Email us: Visit our website at:

12 MEETING WITH YOUR ADVISOR More than the person giving you a schedule Help you be successful academically Help you choose a major Refer you to campus resources Mandatory Advisement Ways to meet with your advisor: appointments, walk- ins, Open Advisement, group sessions, housing

13 SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT Cost of Attendance: 4 years Tuition and fees per year: $9,000 Books & Supplies: $600 Personal expenses: $2,800 Estimated cost for 4 years: $49,600* Cost of Attendance: 6 years Tuition and fees per year: $9,000 Books & Supplies: $600 Personal expenses: $2,800 Estimated cost for 6 years: $74,400* Total savings of completing degree in 4 years: $24,800 * Tuition and fees based on 2015-16 COA for 12 hours—does not include room & board What else could you do with that money? Buy a car, go to Disney World, study abroad for a year, help pay for graduate degree, start repaying loans?

14 FIRST-YEAR BOOK Panther Welcome Event Sunday, August 23 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Hurt Park Freshman Convocation Sunday, August 23 3:00 p.m. Sports Arena


16 META-MAJOR Humanities: African-American Studies Applied Linguistics English Pre-Film and Video Pre-Journalism Philosophy Religious Studies Speech Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies World Languages & Cultures: French, German and Spanish Natural Sciences: Biology Chemistry Computer Science Geosciences Mathematics Neuroscience Physics Health Sciences: Pre-Nursing Pre-Nutrition Pre-Respiratory Therapy META-MAJOR Fine Arts: Art Art Education Art History Art Studio Music Music Management Education: Pre-Birth through Five Pre-Early Childhood Education Pre-Health and Physical Education Pre-Exercise Science Pre-Middle Level Education Policy Studies: Criminal Justice Economics International Economics and Modern Languages Public Policy Pre-Social Work META-MAJOR Business: Pre-Actuarial Science Pre-Accounting Pre-Business Economics Pre-Computer Information Systems Pre-Finance Pre-Hospitality Pre-Managerial Sciences Pre-Marketing Pre-Risk Management and Insurance Pre-Real Estate Social Sciences: Anthropology History Interdisciplinary Studies Political Science Pre-Psychology Sociology Undeclared

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