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Nutrients Nutrients are chemical substances necessary for an organism’s growth and proper function.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrients Nutrients are chemical substances necessary for an organism’s growth and proper function."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrients Nutrients are chemical substances necessary for an organism’s growth and proper function.

2 Nutrients: with or without Calories With Calories Without Calories carbohydrates water lipids (fats) vitamins proteins minerals

3 Nutrients: Organic or Inorganic Organic Inorganic carbohydrates water lipids minerals proteins vitamins

4 Few foods contain all six nutrients. In fact, most foods contain a concentration of just one or two.

5 Vitamins Vitamins -are coenzymes. They activate the enzymes and help them to function. Because vitamins generally cannot be synthesized by the human body, a diet should include the proper daily amounts of all vitamins. Only small quantities are needed. The only vitamin that humans can synthesize in large quantities is vitamin D (needed for growth, metabolism, bones and teeth). Fat soluble vitamins, such as A, D, E, & K can be harmful if too much is taken in.

6 Minerals Minerals are inorganic substances required for normal functions of the body. Animals may extract minerals from plants, or from other animals, or animal products (milk). Examples: K (potassium), Na (sodium), Fe (Iron), Mg (magnesium), Ca (calcium) etc.

7 WATER Water – Most of the reactions that maintain life take place only in water. It makes up 90% of the fluid of the blood. It is also the medium in which wastes are dissolved and carried away from body tissues. It helps regulate body temperature.


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