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Jeopardy Social Studies Tools for Historians & Chapter 1 Section 1.

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2 Jeopardy Social Studies Tools for Historians & Chapter 1 Section 1

3 StudentsTeachers Game Board Measuring Time Tools of Historians Paleolithic Age Neolithic Age Mystery 100 200 300 400 500 Let’s Play Final Challenge

4 StudentsTeachers Game Board Define A.D. 100 Anno Domini 100

5 StudentsTeachers Game Board What is a period of ten years called? 200 Decade 200

6 StudentsTeachers Game Board This is a period of 100 years 300 Century 300

7 StudentsTeachers Game Board Historians divide history into blocks of time known as ________ or ______ 400 Periods or Eras 400

8 StudentsTeachers Game Board What comes after 184 b.c.? 500 183 b.c. 500

9 StudentsTeachers Game Board Define Archaeologist. 100 A person who hunts for evidence buried in the ground where settlements might once have been. They dig up and study artifacts made by humans 100

10 StudentsTeachers Game Board Weapons, Tools, or other things made by humans? 200 Artifacts 200

11 StudentsTeachers Game Board Someone who’s study focuses on human society 300 Anthropologist 300

12 StudentsTeachers Game Board Plants or animals that have been preserved in a rock 400 Fossil 400

13 StudentsTeachers Game Board People who study and write about the past are called…. 500 Historians 500

14 StudentsTeachers Game Board This appeared 4 times between 100,000 b.c. & 8,000 b.c.? 100 The Ice Age 100

15 StudentsTeachers Game Board What is another name for the Paleolithic Age? 200 Old Stone Age 200

16 StudentsTeachers Game Board How did people adapt to survive the Ice Age? 300 Learned to Tame Fire Changed Diet Built Sturdier Shelter Used Animal Furs 300

17 StudentsTeachers Game Board Define Technology & explain on piece of technology used in the Paleolithic Age. 400 Tools and methods to help humans perform tasks. Examples: Flint, axes, spears, fishhooks from animal bones, needles 400

18 StudentsTeachers Game Board What do we call a group of people who regularly move from place to place? 500 Nomads 500

19 StudentsTeachers Game Board What were the benefits of a settled life in the Neolithic Age? 100 Steady food supply- Bigger population- More workers- specialization 100

20 StudentsTeachers Game Board The Neolithic Age is also called the….. 200 New Stone Age 200

21 StudentsTeachers Game Board A mixture of copper and tin forms this…… a harder and longer lasting metal 300 Bronze 300

22 StudentsTeachers Game Board What was the importance of domestication? 400 Domestication is taming plants or animals for human use. The benefit is that people no longer had to be nomadic they could stay in one area and set up civilizations. They also learned how to grow food. 400

23 StudentsTeachers Game Board Define specialization and explain why it was possible in the Neolithic Age. 500 The development of different kinds of job. It was possible because not everyone was needed for farming and people had time to develop other types of skills. 500

24 StudentsTeachers Game Board What percentage of your grade is a test? 100 60% 100

25 StudentsTeachers Game Board What is the name of the Ice Man we discussed that was found in 1991. 200 Otzi 200

26 StudentsTeachers Game Board Another way to say A.D. is to say….. 300 CE or Common Era 300

27 StudentsTeachers Game Board When is your timeline project due in Mrs. Harvey’s class? 400 Wednesday the 22 nd 400

28 StudentsTeachers Game Board What does BCE stand for 500 Before Common Era, also known as B.C. 500

29 StudentsTeachers Game Board Write Your Final Challenge Wager Compare & Contrast the Paleolithic & Neolithic Age Final Challenge End Game TIME’S UP! TIME’S UP! Paleolithic Age Neolithic Age Men in charge of animals, women were responsible for raising children & household tasks Built permanent residences Began farming Made pottery and carved household items out of wood Began to raise and herd animals New Stone Age Hunter-Gathers Nomadic Learned to make fire Cave Paintings Had simple tools and shelter Old Stone Age

30 Double Score DOUBLE SCORE!

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