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ELN Interlibrary Loans Training April 2005 Jamie Anderson & Heather Morrison.

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Presentation on theme: "ELN Interlibrary Loans Training April 2005 Jamie Anderson & Heather Morrison."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELN Interlibrary Loans Training April 2005 Jamie Anderson & Heather Morrison

2 ELN ILL Training April 2005 OutLook OnLine basics User Accounts Permissions & Preferences Patron ILL ILL Participant Record ELN ILL invoicing statistics AGent statistics (if time)

3 OutLook OnLine is a federated search tool

4 OutLook OnLine is customizable view for Public Library Patrons

5 OutLook OnLine is customizable view for Post-Secondary Library Patrons

6 OutLook OnLine is customizable staff view

7 BC Libraries Search Union Databases What is a union database? OutLook, ELN Serials, ELN Media Library Catalogues via Z39.50 What is Z39.50? UBC, SFU, UVic, UNBC

8 Union Database OutLook OnLine is a Union Database A union database is a single database containing the records of many libraries You all contribute to the cataloguing information found in it A union database can be a Z target (e.g. AMICUS)

9 The Different Databases

10 How to Decide Which One? Different routes to fill the ILL request Using AGent you can place ILLs directly with other AGent users, or with UBC, SFU, LAC, and CISTI You can also view the availability of the titles at UNBC, Uvic, or AMICUS, but ILL requesting is a separate step

11 How to Decide Which One? OutLook OnLine for books –Post-secondary libraries (except the Universities) and Public libraries –93 libraries –cycling of requests –load leveling ELN Serials for periodicals –All Post-secondary libraries, including the universities, and VPL

12 How to Decide Which One? ELN Media for A/V material –All Post-secondary libraries and the AEMEC catalogue as well –Primarily videos, DVDs, and films –Media is often found in OutLook as well

13 Moving Between Databases Depending on which database you choose, you will receive different results

14 Federated Searching You are actually searching several databases at one time A database under two headings appears twice - same results The OutLook OnLine, ELN Media, and ELN Serials material is repeated in both sections

15 Federated Searching

16 Z-Targets and ISO ILL University library catalogues are searched via Z39.50 UBC and SFU are live searches. You can see the status and request directly through AGent using ISO ILL UVic and UNBC return live information but requests must be placed by other routes.

17 What is a Z-Target? Z39.50 is a communications protocol allowing us to search different resources at one time Resources searched can use different software A target is the database that is searched A client is the search software (AGent) The AGent software searches library catalogues, such as SFU, via Z39.50

18 Combined AGent / ISO lender strings



21 AGent staff accounts & permissions User Admin ILL - department or individual CAT PAC admin Patron ILL

22 User Admin Module

23 User admin: add or edit user account Add a user Edit user accounts

24 Add or edit user accounts

25 ILL Permissons

26 Cataloguing Permissions

27 ILL Participant Record Address information Holiday List Pickup Locations ISO 10160/10161 - CISTI Account Library Catalogue URL Library Homepage URL

28 Preferences Staff Preferences / User Administration Login and then choose –Staff Menu –User Admin –Edit User Accounts to edit preferences for that user –Add A User to create a new user account and set up preferences Patron Preferences are set up in a similar manner

29 Set different results displays Do staff require the OutLook banner? Default setting at login, can be set up for different users What type of search setup does the user require?

30 Patron Initiated ILL Almost all libraries now allow for some type of patron initiated ILLs More than half of ELN libraries have AGent patron ILL –Supplies automatic bibliographic information –Errors less likely –Libraries can still mediate if desired Patron brochure samples –

31 Patron Permissions Very simple process –Login –Staff Menu –User Admin –Edit User Accounts –Patron –ILL Permissions

32 Patron Permissions Turns on Patron requesting for books Turns on Patron requesting for articles Allows patrons to see the status of the request

33 Patron Permissions With the permissions turned on, the patron is now able to place their own requests through OutLook OnLine They can also view the status of the request as well

34 Patron Requests When a patron is in a record they will see the “Request This Item” button in the upper corner Patron then enters their information –Minimum required is name, password and contact information –Barcode information can be entered as well

35 Tracking the ILL The patron is also able to track the item Choose Patron Menu, then –ILL Request Tracking –Patron enter their information –They get the status on their ILL requests

36 Patron ILL Tracking

37 ELN ILL Invoicing Stats Each library must enter their own, not auto-generated These are used for generating the annual invoices Libraries should enter their statistics monthly and run reports for checking Two types, ILL Combined and MEC

38 ELN ILL Invoicing Stats These are not the same statistics as you would see in AGent Forum –Login –ILL Stats Module –Simple Aggregated Reports will be just for your library –Summary Spreadsheet for all libraries

39 ELN ILL Statistics Module Entering statistics –timing –what counts Keeping track –draft spreadsheets –draft invoices

40 AGent Statistics Allows you to view union database stats Search stats for union databases and Z targets OutLook OnLine ILL stats - for info not invoicing

41 AGent Statistics Login and choose –Staff Menu –Statistics Report Can choose All Libraries or enter one specific library’s name Statistics for specific date ranges Data information to include Can also download the information in tab delimited format


43 Who is searching Types of searches being conducted Different databases viewed: UBC, OutLook, ELN Media Cat etc

44 Union Database Statistics We can also take a view statistics related to the Union Catalogue itself From the same Staff Menu –Union Database Statistics –ELN Serials Cat is just one of the options

45 No. of serials in the database No. of serials with ISSN in the MARC record Union database Statistics

46 On the horizon Electronic ILL & copyright Changes in copyright law Ariel upgrade

47 Questions? Contact: Jamie Anderson, ELN SLAIS Practicum Student, (until April 27) Heather G. Morrison, ELN Project Coordinator, (604) 268-7001, Elaine Shu, ELN Client Support, (604) 268-7003,

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