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+ Fund Development: From Ordinary to Extraordinary Breakout Session Lisa Cleri Reale & Associates September 10, 2015.

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1 + Fund Development: From Ordinary to Extraordinary Breakout Session Lisa Cleri Reale & Associates September 10, 2015

2 + From Ordinary to Extraordinary Really Well Prepared: Know your audience; do your homework Clarity: Ability to explain the most complex issues in a straightforward way. Keep it simple! Knowledge: Thorough understanding of the organization, project and solution to share with the external constituents. Intuitive ability to maximize potential of internal constituents. Creativity and Energy: New ways to think about old problems. Transparency and Accountability: No surprises – all the details up front and constant updates Great Communicator: Responsive, accessible and efficient communications. Common Sense: Priceless. Heart: Warmth and humanity. Lisa Cleri Reale & Associates 2015

3 + Well Prepared: Know Your Audience and Do Your Homework Research is critical What is the funder’s goal? What problem do they want to see solved? What is the funder’s history of giving? Do you have connections to the funder? Through a board member? Another donor? CEO/Staff? Importance of thorough research Read the website and guidelines thoroughly!!! Follow the instructions. Don’t ask for something they said they wouldn’t fund. Ultimate Goal: You know all about the funder and you know where there is synergy. Lisa Cleri Reale & Associates 2015

4 + Well Prepared: the Back Office (Stuff you Hate to do but Need) Efficient Database: Whatever the software, it is useless without accurate and timely information. Updates on a regular basis Codes and fields to identify the source of the prospect Capture Information always: Everywhere you go and every event you attend, collect and capture the names and information. Files: Whether electronic or paper, should be complete and include all history. Nobody in the organization should approach the donor without knowing their history of giving or the past approach. Lisa Cleri Reale & Associates 2015

5 + Clarity: A Simple Story (Who, What, When, Where, How and Why) Who Who are you? Don’t assume they know. Give them your history, your background and a summary of your programs. Who are your partners? What What do you want funded? Tell them right away; right up front. Is it a project? If so, explain it clearly and succinctly. Is it General Operating Support? If so, tell me why you need it. What is the cost and this means the real cost – make sure you include everything that will get the job done. When When does the project begin and end? What’s the timing? Leave enough time for funder review. Lisa Cleri Reale & Associates 2015

6 + Clarity: A Simple Story (Who, What, When, Where, How and Why) Where What’s your geographic area? What region does the project touch? Why The challenge, the problem, the need? A story backed up by data is great but don’t overdo. The 3 “C’s” – Clear, Concise, Compelling. How Critical but often missing from the proposal. Walk them through your project! Tell them how you are going to do what is being funded. Lisa Cleri Reale & Associates 2015

7 + Knowledge: For External Constituents You have a handle on the facts and figures. You know the agency well – its operating budget, its reserve, its board giving. You know what the plans are for sustainability. You know the strategic plan. You understand the issue and the solution. And you can share that knowledge with the funder. If you don’t know the answer, find out! Lisa Cleri Reale & Associates 2015

8 + Knowledge: For Internal Constituents Intuitive ability to maximize talents of internal stakeholders: Program Staff: Can be terrific partners. Know them well. Learn from them and let them learn from you. CEO: Support his/her vision. Board: Use your knowledge to maximize their potential: Increase their engagement, their giving, their enthusiasm. Teach them the basics. Show them how to open the door. Ease their fear of asking. Help them close the deal. Lisa Cleri Reale & Associates 2015

9 + Creativity and Energy Avoid dependency on the same old way of doing things. Show funders evidence of creative thinking: New sources of revenue A real sustainability plan Presentation and pitch are exciting Catch the donor’s attention Not just thinking outside the box, but rebuilding the box! Energy that is contagious! Lisa Cleri Reale & Associates 2015

10 + Transparency and Accountability Keep funders posted on all issues and challenges. Don’t hide anything…Please! Funders want to know everything even if it’s negative. Could be something in the audit – tell them about it before they ask you. Challenges you had with the project – before or after funding – tell me what they are and how you overcame the obstacles or how to you plan to do so. Be honest and frank. Lisa Cleri Reale & Associates 2015

11 + Transparency and Accountability Likewise you are the gatekeeper for ensuring the organization shares its information to the public. Complete and clear information on website: Audited financials, 990 Board and Staff lists Mission Statement Programs Accurate and updated information on Guidestar and Charity Navigator Lisa Cleri Reale & Associates 2015

12 + Great Communicator Responsive Easy access Quick answers Delicate balance between persistence and pest! Be sensitive to the donor’s schedule and workload. Strategic Communications Consistent and high quality communication to both prospects and donors Packaged programs: What will $100 buy model Create an easy way for people to donate. Constant communications What will I do with your $$ What have I done with your $$ Don’t wait a year until the next ask. Lisa Cleri Reale & Associates 2015

13 + Common Sense Keep to your core programs – what you do well. New projects should be based on what you know or have discovered in the course of your work. Don’t create something that you think the funder wants – they will see right through it and it will not be competitive. Make use of rare opportunities to engage with donors. Maximize face to face visits/meetings The ordinary meeting: I walk away thinking you are one of the many good organizations out there. The extraordinary meeting: I walk away having learned something and excited about your solution to the problem…and I want to share it with others. Lisa Cleri Reale & Associates 2015

14 + Heart: Warmth and Humanity The funder is treated like a person not a dollar sign. Mutual respect on both sides. We are all overwhelmed – let’s be sensitive to each other’s situation. Smile and chat. Sense of humor always welcome. You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give. Winston Churchill Lisa Cleri Reale & Associates 2015

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