STEPPING UP TO THE MARK: TAKING RESPONSIBILITY Gavin Boyd Chief Executive (Designate) Education and Skills Authority (ESA) Working together to make it.

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Presentation on theme: "STEPPING UP TO THE MARK: TAKING RESPONSIBILITY Gavin Boyd Chief Executive (Designate) Education and Skills Authority (ESA) Working together to make it."— Presentation transcript:

1 STEPPING UP TO THE MARK: TAKING RESPONSIBILITY Gavin Boyd Chief Executive (Designate) Education and Skills Authority (ESA) Working together to make it better for every learner

2 Background to the RPA Started by the Executive in 2002 To create a modern citizen-centred, high quality system of public administration Recent history – Direct Rule V Devolution Reform of public sector across a range of service areas –Local Government –Health and Social Care –Education –Executive Agencies – water, planning, roads, rates, driver and vehicle licensing

3 Creation of The Education and Skills Authority (ESA) On 1 April 2009:  ESA will be established  9 Legacy organisations will be dissolved  Frontline services of 2 other organisations will transfer to ESA  Operational services currently in the Department of Education will transfer to ESA

4 ESA - Statistics Total population 1.7m - 326,000 school pupils 1,254 schools 50,000 staff – teaching and non-teaching Annual budget - £1.8b Geographical area – 5,400 square miles

5 Why Change? 1.We can help learners achieve better educational and personal development outcomes 2.We can re-purpose significant amounts of money / resources

6 Educational Outcomes Can Be Improved 64% of pupils achieve 5 GCSEs A*-C 52% of pupils achieve 5 GCSEs A*-C (including English and Maths) 38% of socially disadvantaged pupils Huge variation in performance between schools

7 PISA - Mean Scores for NI & OECD Countries 200020032006 Reading Literacy NI 519 (+)517 (+)495 OECD 500494492 Mathematical Literacy NI 524 (+)515 (+)494 OECD 500 498 Scientific Literacy NI 523 (+)524 (+)508 (+) OECD 500


9 Selective Post-Primary Schools Also a wide variation in performance GCSEs 2007 – % achieving 7 GCSEs A*-C ranged from 70% - 100% A Levels 2007 - % achieving 3 A Levels at A-C ranged from 42% - 91%

10 We Can Organise the System Better System is over-engineered Duplication of management and process Management of interfaces between 11 organisations Inconsistent delivery of policy Different levels of service Need to reflect greater expectations from the community

11 ESA - Making a Real Difference Improving outcomes for all learners by supporting (and challenging!) schools Integrating delivery of children’s services Area planning of school and youth provision Building schools more quickly Releasing £20m savings for frontline by 2011/12 Reallocation of resources to make a real difference

12 Managing the Change CURRENT SERVICES Transport School Meals Finance/Accounts/Payroll Education Standards Children’s Services Youth Estates’ Planning & Procurement TRANSFER TRANSFORM INNOVATE

13 Implications for Services Transfer Come into ESA largely in line with current arrangements but with streamlined management to create regional structure Transform Will change significantly Move to common, integrated systems Removal of duplication Grouping of functions Innovate Radical change Focus on education outcomes Enhanced responsiveness, effectiveness and flexibility Greater integration of service delivery Strong area dimension

14 Designing ESA: The Process vision, aims and objectives for service area service delivery model people, skills, resources organisational structure and location

15 Managing the Change DE Oversight Board - governance ESA Implementation Team –  Projects in HR, Industrial Relations, Communications, Finance, ICT and Estates Management Transition Board – involving leaders of the legacy organisations in managing the change process

16 Communications and Engagement Change Management Strategy agreed with Chairpersons, Chief Executives and senior managers 350 senior managers involved in designing service delivery models Ongoing programme of communications and engagement with staff, trade unions and stakeholders

17 Next Steps/Challenges Publish 2 nd tier structures Consult on service delivery models Communicate the Outline Business Case Location Strategy Recruitment, Redundancy and Voluntary Severance Strategy ESA Shadow Board Second tier appointments Day 1 planning

18 Why Change? Better educational outcomes Better personal development opportunities Equality of access to excellent provision Greater focus on the pupil A streamlined and fit for purpose system of education administration

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