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His Life…. Biography in English biography in Spanish society of his epoch world events along his life His more important works Some photos personal opinion.

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Presentation on theme: "His Life…. Biography in English biography in Spanish society of his epoch world events along his life His more important works Some photos personal opinion."— Presentation transcript:

1 His Life…

2 Biography in English biography in Spanish society of his epoch world events along his life His more important works Some photos personal opinion

3 William Faulkner (1897-1962), who came from an old southern family, grew up in Oxford, Mississippi. He joined the Canadian, and later the British, Royal Air Force during the First World War, studied for a while at the University of Mississippi, and temporarily worked for a New York bookstore and a New Orleans newspaper. Except for some trips to Europe and Asia, and a few brief stays in Hollywood as a scriptwriter, he worked on his novels and short stories on a farm in Oxford…

4 The William Faulkner Society is dedicated to fostering the study of Faulkner from all perspectives and to promoting research, scholarship, and criticism dealing with his writings and their place in literature. The Society sponsors regular panels at MLA and ALA, and holds its annual meetings at the American Literature Association and Modern Language Association Conferences. It is affiliated with The Faulkner Journal. Membership is open to anyone interested in the writer and his work…

5 · 1897 Is murdered Cánovas of the Castle. · 1898 War with the USA and loss of the last colonies of overseas. · 1909 tragic Week of Barcelona. · 1912 Canalejas's Murder. · 1914 The First world war. · 1917 Russian Revolution. · 1921 Annual's Disaster. · 1923 Dictatorship of Cousin of Rivera. · 1929 Crack of the bag(stock exchange). 1931 The Second Republic. · 1936 Civil war. · 1939 Invasion of Poland for Hitler's troops, with which it is considered initiated the World War II followed(continued) of the occupation of Paris in 1940. · 1941 USA it(he,she) enters the war….

6 The Portable Faulkner Conversations With William Faulkner William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country


8 To begin, we believe that this work has favored us very much, so much to us as to our companions, since we have known important prominent figures of the world culture that before we did not know. Especially we have liked our author more than we were imagining, because apparently he was very important and to acquire culture never comes badly. We wait that the year that comes sigams doing this type of activities which enrich enough our vocabulary the use to diary of the English.


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