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 -Each colony is given power through a charter – the English Monarch has the ultimate power.  -Each colony has a governor (selected by the King of England)

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2  -Each colony is given power through a charter – the English Monarch has the ultimate power.  -Each colony has a governor (selected by the King of England)  -Some colonies had representatives  -House of Burgesses (elected by colonists)  -King James II takes power in England (1686) – limited the power of the colonists

3  -limited the power of the Monarch  -colonies form new assemblies and charters  -English Parliament gains power

4  -laws designed to benefit trade in England  -some items from the colonies could only be sold in England  -forced to use English ships to transport goods  -colonists were upset and some turned to smuggling goods

5  -Slave trade  -Goods were traded between North America, Europe, Africa and South America  -Middle Passage: the route across the Atlantic Ocean that brought millions of slaves to the colonies. Could last 3 months. Traders fit as many slaves as they could. Thousands died on the journey.

6  -Religious movement that swept through the colonies  -People attending revivals  -Preachers talked of spiritual equality  -Earliest exchange of ideas between the colonists  -Caused people to want more political equality

7  -Scientific idea that reason and logic could improve society  -grew out of the scientific movement happening in Europe  -believed that a contract existed between government and the people  -John Locke: promoted idea that people had natural rights like equality and liberty  -strong influence on the upcoming Revolutionary War

8  -Dispute over land in the Ohio River Valley between the English colonists and the French  -George Washington (a surveyor that scoped out the land): moved in the Valley with a few “troops” and was defeated by the French  -War Begins  -Colonists encounter the brutal “scalping” incidents  -Colonists fought along side the British troops to secure the land from the French. The Native Americans joined the French as they thought they would win and give the land to the Natives.  -Treaty of Paris (1763) officially ends the war. England/Colonists WIN!! England becomes the most powerful nation in the world.  -England gains Canada and all land west of the Mississippi River (excluding New Orleans). Settlers begin moving West

9 Redcoats Are redcoats a good idea in battle?

10  -King George III becomes the King of England  -Since he sent troops to help defend the Ohio River Valley, he feels the Colonists owe him  -Sends an army of 10,000 troops to the colonies

11  What is the English influence on the colonies?  Who deserved the land from the French & Indian War? Why?

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