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Tribal Air Quality “Tools of the Trade” Lydia Scheer, ITEP.

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Presentation on theme: "Tribal Air Quality “Tools of the Trade” Lydia Scheer, ITEP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tribal Air Quality “Tools of the Trade” Lydia Scheer, ITEP

2 …But there’s so much to do!  Air Quality Management Plans, Budgets, Grant Workplans  Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPP)  Emissions Inventory  Ambient air monitoring  Data management and reporting  Equipment audit procedures  Modeling and assessment  Education and outreach

3 ITEP has resources to help!  Resource library of tribal, EPA, and other documents  Software programs  TurboQAPP  TEISS  Tribal Data Toolbox  Online courses on data management, TEISS, GIS, and Tribal Data Toolbox  Direct individualized assistance on various topics  Air monitoring equipment loans

4 Resource Library  Library of example tribal documents  Grant workplans  Budgets  AQ Management Plans  QAPPs  EIs  More  Online Resource Center Access (ORCA)  Searchable database of electronic and other resources  Guidance documents  Outreach materials  Templates

5 “TurboQAPP”  User-friendly software program guides you through the process of writing a QAPP  Compliant with all EPA requirements for QAPP for ambient a/q monitoring  Contains built-in resources such as guidance documents, equipment specifications and necessary equations  Finished product exported to MS Word or Excel  Software saves your work for future editing  Built-in tutorials to help you learn  Can be used for other parameters (IAQ, water, etc.) but very little built-in information  Contact:

6 TEISS  Tribal Emissions Inventory Software Solution guides users through the process of planning and reporting for an EI project  Plan your project using Inventory Project Plan (IPP) tool  Import data from the U.S. EPA's National Emission Inventory (NEI) to evaluate nearby sources  Define and enter data for your own point, area, non-road and on-road sources  Export data to the Emissions Inventory System XML format, which can be submitted to the NEI if your tribe chooses to do so  Create maps tables and charts for reporting  New version (V2.10) with updated reports, calculators and more now available!  Contact:

7 Tribal Data Toolbox  MS Access database created in-house to meet specific needs of tribes for managing air monitoring data  Designed to accommodate filter-based or continuous monitoring data  Guides you through the steps of QA/QC for data validation  Creates charts/graphs of data for trend analysis and reporting  Creates AQS-ready data file for upload into AQS database, including Precision & Accuracy (PARS) data  Latest version (V1.1) available for free from ITEP  Contact: or

8 Online Courses & Training  Mapping Air Data using GIS  EI & TEISS Online Training  Air Monitoring Data Management  Tribal Data Toolbox  Webinars, Podcasts, Videos  TurboQAPP  AQS  QA101

9 Individualized Assistance  Professional Assistance (PA) Program  Allows tribal professionals to get individualized training on specific topics  Training provided by ITEP staff, EPA, State/Locals or other tribal staff  Virtually any topic can be addressed  ITEP can help cover transportation costs and arrange logistics for training  Contact:

10 Examples of Past PAs  Emissions Inventory and TEISS  Monitoring operation, maintenance, calibration, troubleshooting  Monitor siting/network review  Title V permit review  Modeling  Data Management  QAPP  AQS  AQ Inspections and Enforcement

11 Air Monitoring  TAMS Center has some air monitoring equipment available for loan to tribes  TAMS Lab provides free gravimetric services for PM monitoring (new tribes are not currently being accepted)  Contact: or

12 Other Training Providers  US EPA Air Pollution Training Institute  Self-paced online courses  Classroom courses free to tribes  On-demand training (webinars)   California Air Resources Board (CARB)  Classroom courses free to tribes  Geared towards compliance 

13 External Data Sources  EPA website has numerous databases that contain data and data tools for use in your own program  AirData  AIRNow  TRI Explorer  Envirofacts/Enviromapper  Regional haze and visibility monitoring data (  Meteorological data from NOAA  READY  RAWS

14 Internships  ITEP Program offers college students summer internship opportunities  Native students are targeted, but not required  Tribally-focused air quality projects with tribes, EPA, other agencies  8-10 projects that are approximately 10 weeks long during summer  Host site and intern application period is December/January  Contact:

15 How Can You Help?  Network and stay involved  Be willing to share your own experience and expertise with other tribes  NTAA, TAMS Steering Committee, etc  Share your own documents and information as examples for other tribes  We will never share with non-tribal entities or EPA  ITEP is always looking for input on training topics, services and projects  Give us feedback at courses and meetings  Call or email us anytime!

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