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Annotation Finding literary devices within a literary work.

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Presentation on theme: "Annotation Finding literary devices within a literary work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annotation Finding literary devices within a literary work

2 Annotation Texts and poems require many readings and often annotation to clarify the many layers of meaning that the author has created. Annotation is common in literary criticism and analysis, particularly for poetry which is often densely packed with literary devices and carefully considered word choice and order.

3 Annotation Annotation: Providing critical (as in criticism) and explanatory notes for a work of literature. Annotation is often placed in the margins of the literary work that has been annotated with specific references to lines, words and phrases. Use of literary devices as applied to the work is common.

4 Annotation As you annotate, consider carefully each word and turn of phrase and determine its purpose within the writing. Some questions to consider are: What is the author saying through this particular speaker/persona? What is the natural progression of the literary work? What is its purpose? What is the tone and style of the literary work?

5 Annotation What is the literary work’s structure which explains its progression along with the major turning points. Is there any language such as dialect that denotes regionality, education of speaker, rhetorical purpose, etc. Is it conversational, colloquial or does the speaker fall back on formal language? Tone: Is the literary work celebratory, depressed, confused? Does it shift or change?

6 Annotation Speaker/Persona: What does the literary work reveal about the speaker? Imagery: What images does the literary work use to create meaning or set the mood? Symbolism: What images become symbolic? When was the poem written? Who is the author?

7 The following is a list of some techniques that you can use to annotate text: Underline important terms. Circle unknown words- find definitions and meanings. Write key words and definitions in the margin. Signal where important information can be found with key words or symbols in the margin. Write short summaries in the margin at the end of sub-units. Write the questions in the margin next to the section where the answer is found.

8 Who is the speaker of the poem? What does the poem convey? What is the tone of the poem? How does diction or language affect the poem? Is there a rhythm scheme to follow? Look for patterns- What ideas do you see repeated? What connections can you draw between different concepts? When was the poem written? Who is the author? Questions to Consider for Poetry:

9 Annotation Guidelines Create your own code / symbols Mark main idea supporting details key terms cause and effect Explanations Underline/highlight – CAUTION: Use this sparingly. At the end of each chapter, bullet-point the key events as a summary or write a short summary.

10 Annotation Guidelines Of course, you should always pay attention to VOCABULARY. A strong vocabulary comes from reading, not from memorizing lists.

11 SCASI (Setting, Character, Action, Style, ideas)

12 Setting: Where is this poem or piece of prose happening? What characteristics of the setting seem to influence what is happening? What is the effect of the setting on the characters, action and/or ideas (theme)?

13 Character: What people are part of this piece, including the speaker and narrator? What are they like? How do you know what they are like? How do they interact with each other? What is the effect of the characters on the action or ideas (theme)?

14 Action: What happens in this piece? Is there any kind of plot devel opment? What is the conflict? How does the writer build suspense for the reader?

15 Style: What details in the writing communicate character, setting, action, ideas? What figures of speech, imagery, diction are used, and to what effect? Does the structure of the piece suggest meaning? Are there some allusions that add to meaning? How? What is there about the sentences that add emphasis or create suspense? What is repeated, and what is the effect of this repetition?

16 Ideas: What are the ideas that underlie this piece? (use your background of information, not just what is in the piece of writing itself). What theme(s) seem(s) to connect these ideas? What is the tone (author’s attitude) towards the ideas?

17 Sample Annotation

18 The End

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