Recent Research in Canadian Tech Transfer Kate Hoye, University of Waterloo Diane Isabelle, NRC, Carleton University Fred Pries, University of Waterloo.

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Presentation on theme: "Recent Research in Canadian Tech Transfer Kate Hoye, University of Waterloo Diane Isabelle, NRC, Carleton University Fred Pries, University of Waterloo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recent Research in Canadian Tech Transfer Kate Hoye, University of Waterloo Diane Isabelle, NRC, Carleton University Fred Pries, University of Waterloo Under the Microscope:

2 S&T Commercialization of Federal Research Laboratories and University Research Diane A. Isabelle Doctoral comprehensive exam and research for NRC’s commercialization efforts

3 Research framework Major contributions/contributors to the field of commercialization North American and selected international commercialization models and practices Issues/challenges/avenues of solution identified by academics, practitioners and government Gaps, trends, and future areas of research

4 Innovation & commercialization: ‘From minds to markets’ Broad agreement in the literature  Both important for competitiveness of a nation  Market place is the end point of commercialization  Commercialization is recognized as an important element of innovation  Metaphors: journey across valley/chasm/Darwinian sea Lack of consensus  Commercialization as part of innovation or not  Start point of commercialization in innovation spectrum  Concept of marketplace success Key constructs  Knowledge, knowledge spillovers  Absorptive capacity  Connectedness  National innovation systems, National innovative capacity  Process

5 Integrating key concepts: My definition of commercialization ‘An important part of the innovation ecosystem, commercialization is the process of translating research knowledge into new or improved products, process and services, and introducing them into the marketplace to generate economic benefits’

6 Importance of S&T commercialization: Canada’s R&D expenditures

7 Mapping of selected commercialization models

8 Selected commercialization strategies: New Technology Based Firms (NTBFs) NTBFs include spin-offs 1-3% of all firms Commercialization of disruptive technologies Science entrepreneurships e.g. in biotech sector Challenges faced by NTBFs

9 Selected commercialization strategy: Spatial concentration Explosion of interest in clusters Various views in the literature Consensus on top 5 critical factors:  Highly skilled workforce  Pillar companies  Knowledge/innovation technologies  Networks  Physical infrastructure Others factors:  Entrepreneurial culture  Sources of financing  Supportive policy environment

10 Strategic commercialization issues Culture  National, institutional cultures, industrial attitudes Technologies  Awareness, state of development, access, evaluation Organizational issues  Structure, processes, skills, incentives Intellectual Property  Policies, negotiation, management, ownership Capital Government Environment

11 Convergence in the literature on the role of government Focused national strategy R&D Infrastructure (facilities, equipment, education, training) Environment for business and R&D Regulatory environment Financial incentives for R&D Linkages Bundling of technologies

12 Important areas of future research, particularly for Canada Commerce adverse culture Receptor capacity and NTBFs University-entrepreneurial interactions Clusters Policies & programs

13 Some Canadian researchers in the field Doug Barber Alan Cornford, GPT Mngt Ltd Paul Dufour, IC, IDRC David Large, U of O Jorge Niosi, U du Québec David Wolfe, M Gertler, ISRN, U of T Several others PhD students...

14 GLOBAL TRENDS UK Finland The Netherlands Denmark Sweden Australia

15 Conclusion Relatively recent field of research Broad underlying themes Challenging issues but increased awareness Climate of sharing globally Feedback welcome! Full study posted on FPTT website

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