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TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE A Presentation to the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment & Natural Resources ONE TONNE AT A TIME By Michael Gerbis,

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Presentation on theme: "TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE A Presentation to the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment & Natural Resources ONE TONNE AT A TIME By Michael Gerbis,"— Presentation transcript:

1 TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE A Presentation to the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment & Natural Resources ONE TONNE AT A TIME By Michael Gerbis, P.Eng. President of The Delphi Group

2 Key Messages Climate Change Represents a Significant Opportunity Canadian Innovation and Capacity can Tackle this Issue Meeting Kyoto is Not Insurmountable Significant Co-Benefits Must Start Taking Action Now Public Engagement & Empowerment is Key

3 Canada’s Climate Change Action Plan Not Just About Kyoto & Reducing CO 2 Significant Environmental Co-Benefits –Air Pollution (SOx, NOx, particulate, smog) Social & Human Health Benefits Economic Opportunity –Global Exports –Innovation –Enhanced Productivity & Competitiveness

4 The Emerging Carbon Marketplace Climate Change Solutions: $275-350 Billion; 5% annual growth Clean Energy: $6.5 - $8 Billion in 2000  $80 - $90 Billion in 2010 Demand for Climate Change Solutions Capital Stock Turnover Kyoto Flexibility Mechanisms International Finance Institutions Economic Growth Climate Change Mitigation Measures Corporate Competitivess & Eco-Efficiciency Energy Market Liberalization Energy Security and Interest in Renewables Health and Air Quality Benefits Potential

5 Market Snapshot – Canada Canadian Environmental Industry: 225,000 people in 6,400 firms Climate Change – ~ 600+ companies –generally high-tech with a strong R&D component –$3Billion & 23,000 jobs and growing

6 Our Supply Capacity Diversified Strong Niche Technologies Convergence & Integration with High Tech & Enabling Sectors Innovative Clusters Being Established Strong R&D Base CC Solution Providers Nano- tech Intelligent Systems Advanced Materials IT & Communi- cations E- Commerce Biotech

7 Areas of Competitive Advantage Integration of High-Tech & Environmental Solutions Oil & Gas Production (Up & Down Stream) Enhancing Resource Industry Efficiency –Mining, Minerals Production, Forestry Clean Energy Solutions –Small hydro, biomass, solar –Traditional (Advanced Materials)

8 Areas of Competitive Advantage Transportation –Alternative (Fuel Cells, Natural Gas, Biodiesel) –Traditional (Advanced Materials) Residential & Commercial Energy Efficiency –Design & construction (e.g. R 2000) –Windows, solar wall, insulation, –IT systems. HVAC, etc.

9 Examples of Innovative CC Solutions ATS Automation STANTEC GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES

10 Meeting Our Kyoto Commitments CAN WE - YES!! Will We – Only if we… –Have strong Leadership and Direction from the Federal Government –Begin to take significant action now –Employ innovative mechanisms that spur private sector investments –Public engagement & empowerment are critical to success - plan must facilitate behavioural change

11 One Tonne Challenge Keep It Simple Engage and Educate –Language that speaks to the average Canadian: Health, Children, $$$ Make It Easy to Take Action Mandate and Empower –Vehicle fuel consumption –Energy efficiency of homes –Financial Incentives –True Cost of Energy (& Water)

12 Government’s Role Leader –Direction, Tools & Lead by Example Communicator –Climate Change = Significant Opportunity & Benefit to Canadians Facilitator of Behavioural Change Stimulator of Innovation

13 The Delphi Group For More Information Contact: Mike Gerbis, P.Eng. President 428 Gilmour St. Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0R8 Tel: (613) 562-2005 Fax: (613) 562-2008 email:

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