Circulatory System Blood

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1 Circulatory System Blood

2 Blood In general, the blood is a fluid tissue helping to maintain homeostasis for all cells in the body. Transport of needed substances to body cells. (oxygen, amino acids, glucose, fatty acids, glycerol, salts, etc.) Transport of wastes from cells. (urea, water, carbon dioxide in the form of the bicarbonate ion) Helps to maintain a constant body temperature Aids the body in fighting disease

3 Composition of blood Blood transports materials through out the body inside blood vessels. Blood is a tissue of fluid & cells plasma liquid part of blood dissolved salts, sugars, proteins, and more cells red blood cells (RBC) transport O2 in hemoglobin white blood cells (WBC) defense & immunity platelets blood clotting

4 Plasma Straw colored, nonliving part of blood. 90% Water
Helps to regulate body temperature Contains Electrolytes Plasma transports blood cells, products of digestion and hormones throughout the body.

5 How much blood is in the human body?
About 5 liters About 7 % of your body mass About Liters in an adult human Men = 5.6 Liters Women = 4.5 Liters Pregnant woman = 5.0 Liters

6 The Functions of Blood Delivers: Picks Up: Nutrients - waste  kidneys
Oxygen, Water, carbon dioxide lungs minerals Hormones and enzymes heat  skin Pollutants

7 Erythrocytes Red Blood cells:
Shaped like round plates indented in the center. Have no nucleus when mature Most numerous Smaller than white blood cells Produced in the red marrow of long bones Destroyed in the liver and spleen Contains the iron protein compound HEMOGLOBIN whose chief function is to combine with oxygen and carry it to cells

8 Why is blood red? Blood is red because it contains hemoglobin and iron rich pigment.

9 What does hemoglobin do
Hemoglobin picks up the oxygen molecules and drops off CO2 250,000 hemoglobins in 1 red blood cell

10 Carbon Monoxide Binds to RBC better than oxygen. Not good
Kills us silently Cant smell it or taste it.

11 Anemia Occurs when the blood does not have enough hemoglobin.
Treated by taking in more iron Because iron makes up hemoglobin

12 Leukocytes White blood cells
Fight infections by forming antibodies or engulfing bacteria Large in size, several different types Have a nucleus Phagocyte About 8,000 per drop of blood Most are formed in the bone marrow or in the lymph tissue


14 Phagocytes Engulf bacteria and viruses by phagocytosis
Able to leave the bloodstream and move between the cells of the body by squeezing through the capillary walls

15 Lymphocytes Produce antibodies which clump bacterial poisons or bacteria (antigens) Antigens: foreign substances in the body

16 Platelets Smallest part of blood No nucleus Live 2-4 days
Involved in clotting of blood Creates fibrin Enzyme that helps clot blood

17 Blood Clotting Involves a series of enzyme controlled reactions resulting in the formation of protein fibers that trap blood cells and form a clot

18 Blood Clotting chemical emergency signals platelets seal the hole
protein fibers build the clot

19 What’s wrong with this picture?

20 Sickle Cell Anemia Genetic disease Red blood cells become sickle shape
Cant carry as much oxygen

21 Malaria Disease that attacks the RBC. Causes high fever
If you have sickle cell shaped RBC can not get the disease.

22 Leukemia Form of cancer in which the bone marrow makes too many white blood cells.

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